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Upgrade from 2.8.3 to 2.10.0-latin1 to utf8

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Took a while for me to get back to working on this. So what I did is I changed the fields in the table news_posts to utf8_unicode_ci in phpMyadmin. Then I changed the table to Utf8_unicode_ci. I got a few places where the character didn't convert and I lost a little bit of text but I just retyped it in the ckeditor without too much effort. Everything seems to be working OK.

I'm wondering about a few things still. Should I change the fields in the news_settings table to Utf8 as well? What about the database? Should I set that to Utf8 also or leave it as latin1_swedish_ci?

One more thing. I'm not really sure I need to convert to Utf8 at all since I really don't have anything but English on my site. The instances of having to post a word or two in another language is rare and I can always get by with substituting any letters outside of English with an English letter. I figure if I can change to Utf8 I would be better off but don't know if it's really worth it. WDYT?


--- Quote ---Everything seems to be working OK.

I'm wondering about a few things still. Should I change the fields in the news_settings table to Utf8 as well? What about the database? Should I set that to Utf8 also or leave it as latin1_swedish_ci?
--- End quote ---

WB use the same Table Collation and Table Engine for all database tables. Since WB 2.8.3 SP7 only UTF8 as Charset is possible, no other charsets.
Maybe everything works now and you see no problems, but it comes, if you need your SQL-Backup the next time. Dont think about german or other special letters like ä, ö, ü, é, ó, í etc, also the special chars in your english text like apostroph, paragraph, %, & or the simple ? have to be encoded in the database.
maybe you have to change the provider, lower price, more service, combination with smart-tv etc. and you have to import your backup there. you have actual some tables with utf8-encoded chars and some tables with latin1. whatever you select in the charset box for the sql-importer, its only possible to use one charset and you start to correct the rest again. why not now and without pressure. step by step, every day a table?

okay, if you dont think about the future and dont think about the providers etc, its of course possible, to leave it at it is, it works, if nobody change the conditions
recommendation is: use only utf8 as default charset and utf8_general_ci or utf8_unicode_ci as table collation for all WebsiteBaker-tables

OK. I changed all the news module tables and fields to utf8. Everything seems to work OK except I can't seem to get the drag and drop working for rearranging the order of posts. It seems to act unpredictably. Also one of the posts won't work even when I hit the up and down icon. It only works with the down icon if it's in the top position but otherwise it just goes up on either icon. Don't know if this has anything to do with the changing of character sets but wouldn't think so.  :?

the drag&drop- or better, the sortable-problem is reported on the WB-Project-Page as Ticket #50
it has nothing to do with a charset, its a ajax-problem

OK. Changed addons table and fields. Everything I checked is OK except the 2 drop downs in the language section of the addons menu. Some entries have all or a few "?" for the actual letters. I can still select them and in "View Details" it shows the actual letters for the language. Should I be concerned about this, or will this not have any affect on anything else in the program?


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