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Upgrade from 2.8.3 to 2.10.0-latin1 to utf8

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From what I've read latin1_swedish_ci is the default for MySQL from it's beginning and which has never changed.

utf8mb4 seems to be the latest recommended setting as far as capabilities to deal with a wider range of characters.

utf8mb4_unicode_ci seems to be a more accurate collation setting than utf8mb4_general_ci and seems to be the recommended setting.

Thanks for the offer to try and convert my db for me. If it's not too much trouble for you I can send you my zipped sql-backup. Would you want the backup before I upgraded or after upgrading?

Also found this for converting from latin1 to utf8 in MySQL:

ALTER DATABASE databasename CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
ALTER TABLE tablename CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

Is this an option?

Well, all was well for about a week until yesterday. Could no longer connect with db. So I ended up reverting back to 2.8.3. I'm wondering if maybe a better approach would be to identify the columns where utf8 is actually needed and using the drop downs in PHPMyadmin change just the ones that need it.


--- Quote ---Could no longer connect with db
--- End quote ---

cannot be a problem with the charset
and if you mean, the charset is the problem, why does it work well for one week??   :-o :-o :-o


--- Quote from: jacobi22 on July 30, 2017, 10:20:25 AM ---
--- Quote ---Could no longer connect with db
--- End quote ---

cannot be a problem with the charset
and if you mean, the charset is the problem, why does it work well for one week??   :-o :-o :-o

--- End quote ---

You're right. I found out later that it was a denial of service attack and somehow I guess my connection got messed up in the process.

Back to my charset. I tried using PHPMyadmin to change the collation in particular columns like the content_short, content_long columns of the news_posts table to utf8mb4_unicode_ci in the 2.8.3 installation. I could see the text when I opened the website in the browser, but the ckeditor was just blank without any text. Any idea why that would happen?


--- Quote ---I tried using PHPMyadmin to change the collation in particular columns like the content_short, content_long columns of the news_posts table to utf8mb4_unicode_ci in the 2.8.3 installation. I could see the text when I opened the website in the browser, but the ckeditor was just blank without any text. Any idea why that would happen?
--- End quote ---

see my answer in the top :

--- Quote from: jacobi22 ---P.S.: if the editor founds a not-readable char and its not possibe to convert it, the editor show nothing in the editor field and show also no toolbar. its a javascript error and its not possible for javascript to show not-existing-chars
--- End quote ---

the ckeditor and also a lot of functions inside of all the modules and the core doesnt support utf8mb4
utf8mb4 needs special multibyte-string-functions to work, see also


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