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Upgrade from 2.8.3 to 2.10.0-latin1 to utf8

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do you mean the ? ? ? ? in the front of some languages?. i see it sometime's and in my case, it was a result of the converting to utf8mb4_general_ci. utf8mb4 use 4-byte-chars and utf8 only 2-byte-chars.
best solution is a correction directly in your database. copy the name of this addon (with ????) from the info.php, use a doubleclick on the field with the ???? in phpmyadmin and paste the addon name.

OK got rid of the "?". All my tables and fields are now set to utf8. Only thing that I found a problem with now is my email link. Now this may have nothing to do with the character set changes, but I click on my email link and nothing happens. It was working before in 2.8.3 but I'm not sure if I checked it after upgrading.

I found the problem with the email link. It wasn't related to the charset change. So as far as I can tell everything is working OK with all tables and fields changed to utf8_unicode_ci. Unless I come across anything down the road looks like everything is good to go. Thanks for your help with this jacobi.  (Y)


--- Quote ---Only thing that I found a problem with now is my email link
--- End quote ---

email-link has nothing to do with utf8. a mail-adress (not the maillink) is stored in the database as normal text, in wb the filter "email" search for a combination with mailto (or href), to discover links in the content. now, we have two way's
- you add a maillink in your content and want have a link with protected, encrypted mailadress like

--- Code: ---<a href="javascript:mdcr('jiZngthfoFjbzf','')">My Linktext</a>
--- End code ---

- you add a maillink in your content and want have a link without protected, encrypted mailadress like

--- Code: ---<a href="">My Linktext</a>
--- End code ---

for solution 1, you have to load the file mdcr.js. in the original-package of WB 2.10.0, it was not possible to load this file automatically and only, if you need this encryption. the file was loaded everytime, when the filter was activated or generally loaded, also, if you dont need this option (i'm not sure)
but i remember, that Darkviper publish a new version, that load the mdcr.js only, if you need this to protect a mail. so, not sure, which version is active in your WB at the moment. for a test, you can use the file from the WB-Download-Package in modules/output_filter/filters/filterEmail.php. This have to work in every case

new version of this file are here ->

I have the same problem. I went to phpmyadmin and changed everything paar utf8_general_ci on the left side and according to the database. In the database everything was utf8_general_ci ... but in the "general definitions" of phpmyadmin I tried to change utf8mb4_general_ci to utf8_general_ci but not fixed. How do I change and fix? I think it solved the problem. On the first attempt to update from 2.83 to 2.10 the WebsiteBaker only changed the pages, but in this new update I did changed the whole text on all pages. My language is Portuguese. Where words have accented has changed everything. I went to the administration of tools and in the module of the language I edited the PT and tried to change some errors that were there and were changing ... see:
/ Set the language information
$ language_code = 'PT';
$ language_name = 'English';
$ language_version = '2.8';
$ language_platform = '2.8.x';
$ language_author = 'Daniel Neto';
$ language_license = 'GNU General Public License';
$ MENU ['ACCESS'] = 'Access';
$ MENU ['ADDON'] = 'Add-on';
$ MENU ['ADDONS'] = 'Add-ons';
$ MENU ['ADMINTOOLS'] = 'Admin-Tools';
$ MENU ['BREADCRUMB'] = 'You are here:';
$ MENU ['FORGOT'] = 'Receive Login Details';
$ MENU ['GROUP'] = 'Group';
$ MENU ['GROUPS'] = 'Groups';
$ MENU ['HELP'] = 'Help';
$ MENU ['LANGUAGES'] = 'Languages';
$ MENU ['LOGIN'] = 'Login';
$ MENU ['LOGOUT'] = 'Log-out';
$ MENU ['MEDIA'] = 'Day';
$ MENU ['MODULES'] = 'Module';
$ MENU ['PAGES'] = 'Pages';
$ MENU ['PREFERENCES'] = 'Preferences';
$ MENU ['SETTINGS'] = 'Configuration & Conditions';
$ MENU ['START'] = 'In' ';
$ MENU ['TEMPLATES'] = 'Themes';
$ MENU ['USERS'] = 'User';
$ MENU ['VIEW'] = 'Preview';
$ TEXT ['ACCOUNT_SIGNUP'] = 'Account Signature';
$ TEXT ['ACTIONS'] = 'A & ccdil;';
$ TEXT ['ACTIVE'] = 'Active';
$ TEXT ['ADD'] = 'Add';
$ TEXT ['ADDON'] = 'Add-On';
$ TEXT ['ADD_SECTION'] = 'Add Sessions';
$ TEXT ['ADMIN'] = 'Admin';
$ TEXT ['ADMINISTRATION'] = 'Administration & ccdil;';
$ TEXT ['ADMINISTRATION_TOOL'] = 'Administration Tool';
$ TEXT ['ADMINISTRATOR'] = 'Administrator';
$ TEXT ['ADMINISTRATORS'] = 'Administrators';
$ TEXT ['ADVANCED'] = 'Advanced';
$ TEXT ['ALLOWED_FILETYPES_O N_UPLOAD'] = 'Allowed filetypes on upload';
$ TEXT ['ALLOWED_VIEWERS'] = 'Allowed Viewers';
$ TEXT ['ALLOW_MULTIPLE_SELE CTIONS'] = 'Allow multiple selections';
$ TEXT ['ALL_WORDS'] = 'All Words';
$ TEXT ['ANCHOR'] = 'Anchor';
$ TEXT ['ANONYMOUS'] = 'Anomaly';
$ TEXT ['ANY_WORDS'] = 'Any Word';
$ TEXT ['APP_NAME'] = 'Application Name';
$ TEXT ['ARE_YOU_SURE'] = ' are you sure?';
$ TEXT ['AUTHOR'] = 'Author';
$ TEXT ['BACK'] = 'Return';
$ TEXT ['BACKUP'] = 'Backup';
$ TEXT ['BACKUP_ALL_TABLES'] = 'Backup of All Tables in the Database';
$ TEXT ['BACKUP_DATABASE'] = 'Database Backup';
$ TEXT ['BACKUP_MEDIA'] = 'Media Backup';
$ TEXT ['BACKUP_WB_SPECIFIC'] = 'Backup tables only';
$ TEXT ['BASIC'] = 'Basic';
$ TEXT ['BLOCK'] = 'Block';
$ TEXT ['CALENDAR'] = 'Calender';
$ TEXT ['CANCEL'] = 'Cancel';
$ TEXT ['CAN_DELETE_HIMSELF'] = 'Can delete himself';
$ TEXT ['CAPTCHA_VERIFICATIO N'] = 'Check & Capture';
$ TEXT ['CAP_EDIT_CSS'] = 'Edit CSS';
$ TEXT ['CHANGE'] = 'Change';
$ TEXT ['CHANGES'] = 'Change & ccdil;';
$ TEXT ['CHANGE_SETTINGS'] = 'Change Settings & Settings';
$ TEXT ['CHARSET'] = 'Charset';

I do not know what to do anymore, I think I'm going to return to 2.83 again. I've tried to do the update 3 times and this error always happens.


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