WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

Bakery: Small Shop Module (ORIGINAL TOPIC)

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I thought as much....thank you.

Great job...I know you hear it a lot, but your Herculean effort should make you a easy entrant to the Noble Prize...

thx  :-)


just to report, I noticed in last version of bakery that "Stock:" number on first page where items are listed is not displayed..


Hi Ivan

--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on June 14, 2010, 10:25:43 AM ---just to report, I noticed in last version of bakery that "Stock:" number on first page where items are listed is not displayed..

--- End quote ---
Make sure you have added the appropriate Bakery placeholders [STOCK] and [TXT_STOCK] to your Bakery layout templates.

Regards Christoph


When you checkout, you need to fill out your personal data in different input fields.

How can I insert 2 extra fields on this page? I really need 2 date fields in which customers can fill out the date.

This is needed because customers must fill out the start_date and end_date for a webshop in which they can rent products for a certain period.

Hope for a solution.




--- Quote from: Boudi on June 16, 2010, 09:23:09 PM ---Hi,

When you checkout, you need to fill out your personal data in different input fields.

How can I insert 2 extra fields on this page? I really need 2 date fields in which customers can fill out the date.

This is needed because customers must fill out the start_date and end_date for a webshop in which they can rent products for a certain period.

Hope for a solution.



--- End quote ---

Hello Boudi,

you will need to to change several files and also ALTER the Database Table mod_bakery_customer.

This won't be an easy task.

I also think that the checkout could have more flexibility.
A kind of customizable form module would be great.



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