WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop
Bakery: Small Shop Module (ORIGINAL TOPIC)
Hi Stefek,
Hmm, your answer was already a bit of my concern...that it would be hard.
I really hope that my question can be solved. Otherwise I'm truely screwed :(
--- Quote ---I also think that the checkout could have more flexibility.
A kind of customizable form module would be great.
--- End quote ---
Great idea ;)
"screwed", what a funny word is this? :lol:
Seriously, you will need a a coder to do the job.
And all changes will be affected with the next upgrade.
Maybe the the commercial corner of the forums will be of some help:,64.0.html
I already hired a Coder for another changes with bakery and it was worth it.
Best regards,
Thnq :)
Well, I hope for someone will help. If not, then I will check your url regarding a commercial assignment.
Thnx for the input.
UPDATE: I think I have a some kind of 'solution'. But I need the help (of freesbee?)
Case: I change your shop into a reservationsform in which visitors kan do reservations of products
Problem: they need to fillout their start_date and end_date for their reservation
Solution: The customers fills out the invoice address. Underneath that they can fill out their delivery address. I want to change the first 2 lines (Name & surname) into start_date and end_date.
Problem: You only can fillout letters and not figures. (see att.)
Question: How can I disable those fields so that they are NOT mandatory any more?
## SOLVED ## See next page...
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Really hoping for a fast answer here due to deadline, I just have a small but important thing left.
I really need to add a custom link in item view above the full description, the link is just a static link to a information page.
Im looking in the view_item.php where I think it should be, but I really dont know what the code for it will be.
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