WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

Errors with PayPal payements

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go into the ipn.php of your payment method and set this variabels (debud && sandbox) step by step to TRUE, then try again

--- Code: ---$active   = true;        // IPN on = true, IPN off = false
$debug    = false;       // Enable debug mode
$sandbox  = false;       // Use paypal sandbox
$delay    = false;
--- End code ---

i hope, you get there some more informations

--- Quote ---Do you think the problem can appear because by some reason the WB doesn't recognize the domain? For example I couldn't exter the e-mail address in the settings ... the WB doesn't recognize it as e-mail ""  - gave me error - this is not valid e-mail address ....
--- End quote ---

we will check that - but if i look into the code from bakery, the code tell's me, you get no replay from paypal


--- Quote ---Do you think the problem can appear because by some reason the WB doesn't recognize the domain? For example I couldn't exter the e-mail address in the settings ... the WB doesn't recognize it as e-mail ""  - gave me error - this is not valid e-mail address ....
--- End quote ---

where do you have this problem??? 

in wb or in bakery (as shop-email)?

we've no problem's, to use a mail like this (with a newer top-level-domain) inside of wb

please look into the database from bakery_general_sett ings and there specially to the shop_email.
is it the exact!!! the same mailadress, what you've write in the input field????

E-mail error in Settings - Admin E-mail - I set e-mail:

After "Save" I got:

When I put another e-mail ... for example - it works and there is no problems to "Save" it


--- Quote from: jacobi22 on February 20, 2018, 07:13:22 PM ---please look into the database from bakery_general_sett ings and there specially to the shop_email.
is it the exact!!! the same mailadress, what you've write in the input field????

--- End quote ---

Yes it is the same:  as shop e-mail and in Settings - General e-mail - it is the same. 


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