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Errors with PayPal payements

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--- Quote ---E-mail error in Settings - Admin E-mail - I set e-mail:
--- End quote ---

see it - give me a minute

i guess tld is limited to 2 or 3 characters in php chevk function. i would recomend to open your database phpmyadmin and manually in settings table input your email.

For WB 2.10.x and older

Original-Code in admin/settings/save.php  ~Line 151

--- Quote ---$pattern = '/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*\.(([0-9]{1,3})|([a-zA-Z]{2,6}))$/';
--- End quote ---

that means: max 6 chars for the domain-name (see red marked place)

remove this number 6 (leave it empty) to use Domain-Name's without limit

here the corrected line

--- Code: ---$pattern = '/^[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*\.(([0-9]{1,3})|([a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/';
--- End code ---

P.S.: WB 2.11 use a new method


--- Quote from: jacobi22 on February 20, 2018, 06:37:55 PM ---go into the ipn.php of your payment method and set this variabels (debud && sandbox) step by step to TRUE, then try again

--- Code: ---$active   = true;        // IPN on = true, IPN off = false
$debug    = false;       // Enable debug mode
$sandbox  = false;       // Use paypal sandbox
$delay    = false;
--- End code ---

i hope, you get there some more informations

--- Quote ---Do you think the problem can appear because by some reason the WB doesn't recognize the domain? For example I couldn't exter the e-mail address in the settings ... the WB doesn't recognize it as e-mail ""  - gave me error - this is not valid e-mail address ....
--- End quote ---

we will check that - but if i look into the code from bakery, the code tell's me, you get no replay from paypal

--- End quote ---

After I turned on that options

--- Code: ---$active   = true;        // IPN on = true, IPN off = false
$debug    = false;       // Enable debug mode
$sandbox  = false;       // Use paypal sandbox
$delay    = false;
--- End code ---

in the log file I got:

--- Code: ---INVALID
[2018-02-21 12:38 Etc/UTC] INVALID IPN: The transaction is invalid and has not been completed.
--- End code ---

you get the most information's in the open debug-mode

--- Code: ---$debug    = true;
--- End code ---

the sandbox is (in simple words) a testbox without payments, you see there the transfer protocolls from and to paypal

normalize, you get a complete protocoll about all your sending datas and also the answer from paypal.
maybe, it is also a problem with the domain-ending "photography"

see also here

P.S.: a simple test is a copy from this wb-installation to a different server with a "normal" domain-ending like *.com etc
for this, you have to change the wb-url in config.php and also the shop-url and ipn-url in bakery on the new server


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