WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

Bakery is not working in STRICT-mode

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Thanks for testing, gemnb!

sorry, i'm too late, but i need all my time to rebuild my oldtimer  :oops:

-not possible, to save additional image informations like html-title, alt etc, if you dont have defined any article options
Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'item_attribute_id' at row 1

to see the error message, add the db-error-check after the db-update in save_item.php // Ln 205
possible solutions: option with value = 0 in the image - option-select field or definition of a default value in save_item.php ~ Ln 204

Thanks so much for reporting, Uwe!

PS off topic:
What about your oldtimer?
Is it running yet?

also off topic

a 25y old Pontiac, not sooooo old  :wink:
engine, gearbox etc works fine, but the chassis needs a complete restauration to be fit for the next 25 years. i start with this job after my last holidaytrip to the northcap (norway) in 2008/2009, but then i get problems with my own body/shoulders, a lot of OP's in the last years and the rust "eating" the half body frame  :|
now, my son is 12 and old enough to help and my wife has experients, to dismount engine and axle etc and my job is cleaning and welding

Cool car, and it's great that you carry it out as a family project!
I just liked to have a look at it on your website. Unfortunately there are a lot of php warnings at the pontiac page which you might want to rectify …


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