WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

Bakery is not working in STRICT-mode

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At the moment Bakery doesn't work in STRICT-mode. You have to alter the code to get it work. If that was a one-time job, no problem. But every release you have to fix the code (that takes a lot of time and I still can't get it to work properly ...).
Since more providers decide to put their systems in STRICT-mode, it may become a problem.

So a request to the the developer(s). Can you please fix the code in the Bakery module so everyone can use it (again)?

I assume you are talking about the SQL mode STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, don't you?
What are the benefits of strict mode for Bakery?

To determine the current session sql_mode value, use the following statement:

--- Code: ---SELECT @@SESSION.sql_mode;
--- End code ---

You can change the SQL mode at runtime. Set the session sql_mode system variable using a SET statement. To clear the SQL mode explicitly, set it to an empty string:

--- Code: ---SET SESSION sql_mode = '';
--- End code ---

As I wrote before, some providers (and there will be much more) have set their systems (MySQL) standard to STRICT-mode (mine too), so I can't change the setting.
It would benefit all none-STRICT-mode and STRICT-mode users if you could make an update for that.  :-)

I read that STRICT-mode makes mySQL more secure. The fact that providers change their setting makes it almost necessary to change the code, I think.

Please test Bakery version 1.80 which is adapted to mysql save mode (thanks to jacobi22).
Use for your tests a new install as well as an upgraded version.

Please test and give feedback on:

- Edit all backend settings
- Edit payment methods
- Add and edit items
- Add new item images
- Add new item attributes

- Put items into the cart
- Enter address data and proceed to checkout
- Choose different payment methods to pay
- Check order status

Download link: Bakery v1.80.

Thanks for the update freeSbee.  (Y)
I tested a new installation and an update with your criteria on my MySQL STRICT-mode configuration(s) and everything seems to work well.
I think that it would be better if more users test this update (also the NON-STRICT-mode users).


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