WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus
--- Quote from: brofield on February 22, 2006, 02:04:20 AM ---Valid XHTML
The existing menu function generates HTML that doesn't validate. Minor concern really, but many people like to have valid HTML.
--- End quote ---
The core function show_menu should generate valid html too... Or do you have problems with it?
A friend had led me to think that it was generating invalid HTML. Something like:
<li current>item<li></li></li>
It must have been a communication breakdown. I'll fix the comment in the main entry.
i like your new menu function i only had problems with hidden pages.
Had a main Page wich has visibility public and two subpages under this with visibility hidden. If i click on the public page link got the following error:
--- Code: ---Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in .....\modules\show_menu2\include.php on line 247
--- End code ---
And a question to the parameters. I Have two menus. One horizontal wich only plays the root level and a vertical submenu wich only should display the subnavigation.
Subpage 1.1
Subpage 1.2
Function call:
<?php show_menu2(1, -1); ?>
when you on Main Page it shows in the submenu Subpage1 what is ok
when you on Subpage1 it shows in the submenu Subpage1, Subpage 1.1 and Subpage 1.2 what i dont like.
I'm looking for the parameter wich shows me on the Subpage1 in the submenu only the Subpage 1.1 and Subpage 1.2.
Could you pleas give me a hint how to get this?
--- Quote from: ruebenwurzel on February 22, 2006, 11:04:47 AM ---Had a main Page wich has visibility public and two subpages under this with visibility hidden. If i click on the public page link got the following error:
--- Code: ---Warning: array_keys(): The first argument should be an array in .....\modules\show_menu2\include.php on line 247
--- End code ---
--- End quote ---
I don't see this error. The page has 3 children, 2 are hidden and 1 is private. It works fine for me there. I'm not sure how to help you without being able to reproduce the error.
--- Quote from: ruebenwurzel on February 22, 2006, 11:04:47 AM ---I Have two menus. One horizontal wich only plays the root level and a vertical submenu wich only should display the subnavigation.
when you on Main Page it shows in the submenu Subpage1 what is ok
when you on Subpage1 it shows in the submenu Subpage1, Subpage 1.1 and Subpage 1.2 what i dont like.
I'm looking for the parameter wich shows me on the Subpage1 in the submenu only the Subpage 1.1 and Subpage 1.2.
Could you pleas give me a hint how to get this?
--- End quote ---
Using page
See the example "Root Level Only" to display only the root level.
See the example "First Level" to display only the children.
I think this is what you are after, otherwise you might want "Current Children" or "Current Kids (1 level)".
Updated to version 2.1
* remove all warnings and notices when running PHP at error_reporting = E_ALL
* no other changes at all, no need to upgrade if the warnings don't affect you
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