WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
show_menu2: valid XHTML and CSS selectable menus
--- Quote from: brofield on February 21, 2006, 09:28:31 AM ---Updated to version 1.4. Details in the main post. Updated zip file in the main post. test site available once again. I'm spent.
--- End quote ---
Updated to version 1.6. Details in the main post. Updated zip file in the main post. Test site available once again. Fixes a couple of minor bugs I found in a code review.
Hi everybody
yes, I know, sometimes I am really hard in understanding things :roll: ... this IS one those miserable moments :|
To deduce from reactions, show-menu2 must be really great... the problem is: I do not really get the difference and
the improvement in comparison to the original function, but I would like to understand because I always try to
inprove my installation, where useful.
Could somebody (in short sentences, witn no more than two syllable long words :roll:) explain it to me?
Thank you.
P.S.: Eventually German explanation is welcome :-D
(but not a must)
In summary, if you don't know that you need it, then it doesn't matter one way or the other. On the other hand, there is no problem to use it instead of the builtin. The new one has the following advantages.
It should be faster as it hits the database only once per page load. The builtin function hits the database multiple times per function call. This is at the expense of more memory as all page information is stored locally. Realistically, the memory load isn't large.
It can generate menus in many different ways. Covering all of the existing menu's abilities (as far as I know) and adding a few more of it's own.
The existing menu function generates HTML that doesn't validate. Minor concern really, but many people like to have valid HTML.
Easy CSS styling
It generates a menu with lots of classes on each element to allow easy styling of the menu via CSS. This should allow the generated menus to be used in pretty much any way, e.g. popups, dropdowns, etc. See websites about CSS menus.
Updated to version 2.0. See the head post for details. This is the final update that I expect to do, aside from bug fixes.
Changes in this version are:
* optionally specify what HTML tags to use when generating the menu. Default is ul/li, but any other combination is possible, such as ol/li, tr/td, etc.
* optionally specify an ID for the top level menu tag
* demo site updated showing off these features
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