WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

Bakery Module

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Google has nothing to do with it. (that was a different question)
I just want 1 page with all of thethe products i've added on different pages.

Hi comfort,

Do you just want a snippet of PHP that you can insert on a page and still have the the individual product lists or do you want to modify the Bakery code so that the lists include all products from all of your bakery shops?

Best regards,


Hi comfort,

To modify Bakery to list all items from all of your pages, edit the file called view_overview.php with a text editor like PSPad or Notepad++ (even the regular Windows Notepad will do). There should be two lines in there that include the following text:

WHERE section_id = '$section_id' AND

Just delete the text that appears in red above and save your changes. The word WHERE and any text that comes after the red text must remain.

IMPORTANT: Once you have made this change, regardless of the Bakery page, all items will always be listed.

Note: This modification will result in a non-standard version of Bakery. This isn't a bad thing but you will need to remember to re-apply this change again should you upgrade to a newer version of Bakery in the future.

Hope this helps.

With warmest regards,


Solution #2 - The backwards compatible solution

Instead of removing the red text as described in the above message, replace it with $sql_showall. For example:

WHERE $sql_sectiononly

Then insert the following lines right above the line that says // Get total number of items

if (isset($_GET['showall'])) {
   $sql_sectiononly = '';
} else {
   $sql_sectiononly = "section_id = '$section_id' AND ";

As a result, the basic functionality of your pages will not change and the list will only include items in your page (or category if you prefer).

To list all items, just create a manual link that has the same address you would normally use but add a "?showall" to the end of the address. For example:

Limitation: If you view an item and then click the Back link, you will no longer see the full list.



I have a minor problem in the bakerymodule. Somehow the nextlabel.gif and previouslabel.gif wont show in the standard lightbox. clicking forward and backward on the highlighted picture works, just the *label.gifs wont show?

Can anyone assist?


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