WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Hunting for a template
So I have:
--- Quote ---#menu
width: 50%; /* You can adjust this to set it to your needs*/
height: 29px;
/* removed margin: 0 auto; */
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
left:50%; /* The box will start at center of screen*/
width: 494px; /* from center it will go for example 600 px, play with this to adjust it to your menu, set the border as 1px to see exactly where your menu ends, then put that widthand remove border */
margin-left:-247px; /* this will move your menu left, value must be a half of width above - 300px and that will make it centered*/
--- End quote ---
but I need this?
--- Quote ---#menu
height: 29px;
padding: 0 10px 0 10px;
left:50%; /* The box will start at center of screen*/
width: 494px;
--- End quote ---
No just leave it that way and we will wait for comments :)
I'm confused now.
In IE7, the horizontal scrollbar is gone now. The vertical one is still there.
Hmm.... Looks like WB might not be able to do it then. None of the templates on RVSiteBuilder do anything other than make a hell of a mess. With the hidden problems of WB and IE7 (I use Firefox), it seems pretty much that I'm going to have to dump CMSs and do my own design and coding, which might take a while.
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