WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Hunting for a template

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Add IE8 to the number of browsers that won't work with this template. Ok. Going back to old-school manual websites...

This looks better... [url removed by admin, not WB anymore]

It needs a menu so I can change the slides but that's about all.

WB is compatibile as much as you(me, or anyone else) is capable to code it well. So dont blame WB.

your problem is that you have big object for 17" screen (1024 x 768) the scrool bar will appear, as you when you remove address barr and buttons above browser window, and space below window (status bar, tool bar etc..) and objects inside site (header, footer), and considering that your script is 800x533, the vertical scroolbar must appear on smaller screens (768 ....)

You have to code it so that there is only 1 scrollbar on the right, the normal one. The iframe you apparently use should have a fixed height and width, and should not be compressable. It should also have nothing to do with WB. Although for simpler sites like this, a CMS may be overkill indeed. I love WB, but sometimes it's easier to build a simple static site.

Yes. I'm going to have to build a static site. I've played with goodness knows how many website design programs and content management systems with various templates and none seem to have helped at all. The nearest good-looking thing is apples .mac website but I'm not paying for two webhosts.

Apologies, but that is just a stupid comment ... if you properly handle your CSS you will get there!




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