WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > Modules

Foldergallery 3.0.14 Call to a member function fetchRow() on null in line (131)



After upgrading a site from WB 2.8.3 with FolderGallery 1.38 to WB 2.12.2 with FolderGallery 3.0.14, I am getting the following error:

There was an uncatched exception
Call to a member function fetchRow() on null
in line (131) of (/modules/foldergallery/view.php):

This is what I have on line 131 of view.php: $imageData = $query->fetchRow(MYSQLI_ASSOC);

Can someone please help me troubleshoot this.

Here's the URL to the page with the error:

Thank you!

Hi, this means your database query deliver bo result.
If you can deinstall/remove the Foldergallery and install 3.0.16 new

Thank you dbs, uninstalling and reinstalling the module solved it  (Y)


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