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News module rel = prev next


Hello, for SEO reasons, if news have pagination, i want in the <head>:

--- Code: ---<link rel="prev(or next)" href="?p=n">
--- End code ---

My try
In news module view.php added 2 classes (news-next-page, news-prev-page) in lines 152 to 171 (4 times) for the generated prev-next-links.

Created a droplet and added it to the settings footer of news module

--- Code: ---<?php // this line is only for color reasons, don't copy this

// adds <link rel="prev|next" href="?p=nn"> at the end of the <head>
// only if news has pagination
// for SEO reasons (dynamic parameters) 

preg_match("#class=\"news-next-page\" href=\"([^\"]*)\"#",$wb_page_data,$matches);
$page  = !empty($matches[1]) ? '<link rel="next" href="'.$matches[1].'">' : '';

preg_match("#class=\"news-prev-page\" href=\"([^\"]*)\"#",$wb_page_data,$matches);
$page .= !empty($matches[1]) ? '<link rel="prev" href="'.$matches[1].'">' : '';

$wb_page_data = str_replace('</head>',"\n\t".$page.'</head>',$wb_page_data);
return true;
--- End code ---

This works, but i know it is no good code.
Maybe somebody can optimize it. :-)


--- Code: ---<?php // this line is only for color reasons, don't copy this

if (preg_match('#class=\"news-next-page\"[^>]+?href=\"([^\"]*)\"#', $wb_page_data, $matches)) {
    $page  = '<link rel="next" href="'.$matches[1].'">';

if (preg_match('#class=\"news-prev-page\"[^>]+?href=\"([^\"]*)\"#', $wb_page_data, $matches)) {
    $page .= '<link rel="prev" href="'.$matches[1].'">';

$wb_page_data = str_replace('</head>',"\n\t".$page.'</head>',$wb_page_data);
return true;
--- End code ---

Looks a little bit better and shorter. Thx.
2 in 1 is maybe also possible. Will try it.

2 in 1  only?
if, then n in 1 please  ;-)

--- Code: ---<?php // this line is only for color reasons, don't copy this

    $sPage = '';
    $sPattern = '/class=\"news-(?P<rel>next|prev)-page\"[^>]+?href=\"(?P<url>[^\"]*)\"/siu';
    if (false !== preg_match_all($sPattern, $wb_page_data, $aMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach ($aMatches as $aMatch) {
            $sPage .= '<link rel="'.$aMatch['rel'].'" href="'.$aMatch['url'].'">'.PHP_EOL;
        $wb_page_data = str_replace('</head>', "\n\t".$sPage.'</head>', $wb_page_data);
    return true;

--- End code ---

Looks professional and works. Thank you very much  (Y)
I had tried also with preg_match_all and foreach, but ... forget it.  :-)


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