WebsiteBaker Community Forum

General Community => Global WebsiteBaker 2.8.x discussion => Topic started by: ruebenwurzel on July 12, 2009, 05:08:47 PM

Title: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: ruebenwurzel on July 12, 2009, 05:08:47 PM
The new features of WB 2.8 and making Registerform and News-Modul multilingual requires new language variables. We need your assistance to update all included language files till WB 2.8 Final. Please use this thread to attach your translations. The following textes needs to be translated:

Core Language files
Code: [Select]
[&#39;REDIRECT_AFTER&#39;] = &#39;Redirect after&#39;;

Code: [Select]
[&#39;SEC_ANCHOR&#39;] = &#39;Section-Anchor text&#39;;

Code: [Select]
[&#39;CODE_SNIPPET&#39;] = "Code-snippet";

Code: [Select]
[&#39;THEME&#39;] = &#39;Backend-Theme&#39;;

Code: [Select]
$TEXT[&#39;UNZIP_FILE&#39;] = "Upload and unpack a zip archiv";
$TEXT[&#39;DELETE_ZIP&#39;] = "Delete zip archiv after unpacking";

Code: [Select]
[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;CANNOT_UNINSTALL_IN_USE_TMPL&#39;] = "<br /><br />{{type}} <b>{{type_name}}</b> could not be uninstalled, because it is still in use on {{pages}}.<br /><br />";
$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;CANNOT_UNINSTALL_IN_USE_TMPL_PAGES&#39;] = "this page;these pages";
$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;CANNOT_UNINSTALL_IS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE&#39;] = "Can&#39;t uninstall the template <b>{{name}}</b>, because it is the default template!";

Code: [Select]
[&#39;SIGNUP2&#39;][&#39;SUBJECT_LOGIN_INFO&#39;] = &#39;Your login details...&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;SIGNUP2&#39;][&#39;BODY_LOGIN_INFO&#39;] = <<< EOT

Your &#39;{LOGIN_WEBSITE_TITLE}&#39; login details are:
Username: {LOGIN_NAME}

Your password has been set to the one above.
This means that your old password will no longer work.

you have received this message in errorplease delete it immediately.

Code: [Select]
[&#39;ADDON_PRECHECK_FAILED&#39;] = &#39;Add-On requirements not met&#39;;
$HEADING[&#39;INVOKE_MODULE_FILES&#39;] = &#39;Execute module files manually&#39;;

$TEXT[&#39;REQUIREMENT&#39;] = "Requirement";
$TEXT[&#39;INSTALLED&#39;] = "installed";
$TEXT[&#39;NOT_INSTALLED&#39;] = "not installed";
$TEXT[&#39;ADDON&#39;] = "Add-On";
$TEXT[&#39;EXTENSION&#39;] = "Extension";

$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;INVALID_ADDON_FILE&#39;] = &#39;Invalid WebsiteBaker installation file. Please check the *.zip format.&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;INVALID_LANGUAGE_FILE&#39;] = &#39;Invalid WebsiteBaker language file. Please check the text file.&#39;;

$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;RELOAD&#39;] = &#39;Update database with information from Add-on files (e.g. after FTP upload).&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;ERROR_RELOAD&#39;] = &#39;Error while updating the Add-On information.&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;MODULES_RELOADED&#39;] = &#39;Modules reloaded successfully&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;TEMPLATES_RELOADED&#39;] = &#39;Templates reloaded successfully&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;LANGUAGES_RELOADED&#39;] = &#39;Languages reloaded successfully&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;PRECHECK_FAILED&#39;] = &#39;Add-on installation failed. Your system does not fulfill the requirements of this Add-on. To make this Add-on working on your system, please fix the issues summarized below.&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;MANUAL_INSTALLATION&#39;] = &#39;When modules are uploaded via FTP (not recommended), the module installation files <tt>install.php</tt>, <tt>upgrade.php</tt> or <tt>uninstall.php</tt> will not be executed automatically. Those modules may not work correct or do not uninstall properly.<br /><br />You can execute the module files manually for modules uploaded via FTP below.&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;MANUAL_INSTALLATION_WARNING&#39;] = &#39;Warning: Existing module database entries will get lost. Only use this option if you experience problems with modules uploaded via FTP.&#39;;?>

Module Language Files

News Modul
Code: [Select]
[&#39;TEXT_READ_MORE&#39;] = &#39;Read More&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_POSTED_BY&#39;] = &#39;Posted by&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_ON&#39;] = &#39;on&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_LAST_CHANGED&#39;] = &#39;Last changed&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_AT&#39;] = &#39;at&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_BACK&#39;] = &#39;Back&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_COMMENTS&#39;] = &#39;Comments&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_COMMENT&#39;] = &#39;Comment&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_ADD_COMMENT&#39;] = &#39;Add Comment&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_BY&#39;] = &#39;By&#39;;

Thanks for your help.

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Chaploo on July 12, 2009, 08:49:08 PM
I'll do the first step.

News-Modul - German

Code: [Select]
[&#39;TEXT_READ_MORE&#39;] = &#39;Weiterlesen&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_POSTED_BY&#39;] = &#39;Verfasst von&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_ON&#39;] = &#39;am&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_LAST_CHANGED&#39;] = &#39;Zuletzt ge&auml;ndert&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_AT&#39;] = &#39;um&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_BACK&#39;] = &#39;Zur&uuml;ck&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_COMMENTS&#39;] = &#39;Kommentare&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_COMMENT&#39;] = &#39;Kommentieren&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_ADD_COMMENT&#39;] = &#39;Kommentar hinzuf&uuml;gen&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_BY&#39;] = &#39;Von&#39;;

Is that like it was supposed to be? :-) Then I'll do some more later.

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: instantflorian on July 12, 2009, 10:56:53 PM
Na dann mach ich mal:

then the good news is german is the only language wich needs not to be translated, is allready done in the RC1 package

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Chaploo on July 12, 2009, 11:41:22 PM
Darf ich noch ein bisschen nachbessern?  :-D

Code: [Select]
[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;CANNOT_UNINSTALL_IN_USE_TMPL&#39;] = "<br /><br />{{type}} <strong>{{type_name}}</strong> kann nicht deinstalliert werden, weil diese Vorlage noch auf folgenden Seiten verwendet wird: {{pages}}.<br /><br />";
$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;CANNOT_UNINSTALL_IN_USE_TMPL_PAGES&#39;] = "diese Seite;diesen Seiten";
$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;CANNOT_UNINSTALL_IS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE&#39;] = "Die Vorlage <strong>{{name}}</strong> ist die Standard-Vorlage und kann daher nicht deinstalliert werden. Bitte w&auml;hlen Sie eine andere Vorlage als Standardvorlage aus, bevor Sie {{name}} deinstallieren.";

Wie sieht es generell mit Umlauten aus? ä oder &auml; ?

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Stefek on July 12, 2009, 11:54:02 PM
generell wollte ich fragen, ob es nicht gut wäre, für das Wort Template, einfach das Wort "Template" auch im Deutschen zu verwenden.
Wir haben einfach zu viele "Namen" dafür:
- Template
- Designvorlage
- Vorlage
- Layoutvorlage

Ich fände es gut, wenn Template, Template bleibt und gut.

Oder wenn "Designvorlage" das bevorzugte Wort ist, dann eben überall einheitlich.

Ähnlich verhält es sich mit dem neuen Begriff "Backend Theme".
Man hätte es damals auch "Backend Template" nennen können, doch ich weiß, dass wir uns speziell deswegen auf "Theme" geeinigt hatten, um Verwirrungen mit den Templates schon während des Sprachgebrauchs zu vermeiden - gute Idee.

Da im deutschen Sprachgebrauch beide Begriffe in der "Internetwelt" geläufig sind, wofür diese Begriffe "eindeutschen"?
Kann sein, dass ich es - als Ausländer, jemand der mit der deutschen Sprache nicht aufgewachsen ist -  durch andere Augen sehe, aber die beiden Begriffe sind geläufig genug, um sie bestehen zu lassen.

Was meint Ihr?

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Chaploo on July 13, 2009, 12:02:10 AM
Hi Stefek,

guter Gedanke!
Kurz was dazu aus meiner Erfahrung: Ich habe mittlerweile mehr als 3 Dutzend Kunden-Sites mit WB umgesetzt und musste immer wieder feststellen, dass viele Kunden, die ja das CMS später eigenständig bedienen sollen, das Wort "Template" meistens nicht kennen und mit "Dokumentvorlage" oder "Layoutvorlage" viel besser zurechtkommen.

Das in WB 2.8 (soweit ich weiß) erstmals verwendete "Theme" hat mich auch erstaunt - wozu ein neuer Begriff, wo es ja schon genügend gibt, auch wenn "Theme" ebenso wie "Skins" aus vielen anderen Anwendungen vertraut ist - aber eben nicht so machen CMS-Anwendern (Website-Kunden), die oft wenig bis gar nichts bisher mit dieser Welt zu tun hatten.  :-D

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Luisehahne on July 13, 2009, 12:06:54 AM
Das Theme betrifft auch nur das Backend, und das wird ein Designer ändern nicht der Kunde. Hoffe ja das ein Designer weiss wovon wir sprechen.

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Stefek on July 13, 2009, 12:09:28 AM
Ja, das sind gute Argumente, Chaploo.

Ich würde Template verwenden, aber "Layout-/Designvolage" ist auch fein mit mir - mir geht es hauptsächlich um die "Einheitlichkeit".

Wegen der Backend-Themes: Ich schließe mich Dietmar an. Und hier finde ich es richtig gut, dass der Begriff geschaffen wurde. Weil es ihn von den anderen Templates schon allein durch den Namen -abtrennt-.

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: ruebenwurzel on July 13, 2009, 06:58:51 AM
Hello Guys,

just wanna remember that you are here in the english part of the forum, so please only discuss english.

then the good news is german is the only language wich needs not to be translated, is allready done in the RC1 package

and at least, please use this post not for discussion about the languages. It was only thougth for attaching translation. for discussions about translations especially in german please open new themes in the language boards.


Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Luckyluke on July 13, 2009, 10:18:59 AM

If I'm not mistaken, most of WB 2.8 RC1 is already translated in Dutch. See here (,13562.0.html).


Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: mylesk42 on July 17, 2009, 02:17:14 PM
Hi to all,

I'm OK to translate the texts in French.
Will post the FR file in a few hours.
Have not tested yet the v2.8 but know it will be successfull. Thanks for the great job !

BTW, can we use it on production or still in test ?

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: mylesk42 on July 17, 2009, 03:26:25 PM
Hi again,

Here's the file for the french translations of the texts above.
Tell me if it's all OK.

Will the (official or non-official) add-ons modules work with WB 2.8 ?



[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: ruebenwurzel on July 18, 2009, 12:18:19 PM

Thanks for your translation. But before adding it to the core specialchars needs to be replaced with htmlentities. Can you please changes this?



Replaced it by myself and added changes to SVN
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: mylesk42 on July 18, 2009, 03:16:46 PM

Here's the fixed french translation with htmlentities.
Let me know if there's something wrong.

Are all (or some) the available add-ons compatible with WB 2.8?


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: ruebenwurzel on July 18, 2009, 03:52:12 PM


Are all (or some) the available add-ons compatible with WB 2.8?

Yes, only if a modul uses a backend.js or other js files maybe there is a need of minor adaptions.

==offtopic end==

Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Achrist on July 26, 2009, 04:16:10 PM

Here is a set of Danish language files for 2.8 with htmlentities in place. I have included language files for all modules I am using, so this is close to being a complete DK set for WB


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Achrist on July 29, 2009, 10:07:13 PM
Some of the DA translations included in 2.8RC2 unfortunately had their htmlentities messed up because the files were in unicode format  :oops:. The attachment hopefully corrects the problem. Please have the DA.php files in this Zip-file replace those previously submitted.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Achrist on September 06, 2009, 04:11:53 PM
Found an htmlentities problem with the Danish language file for the Captcha module in 2.8 - here is a correction.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: kweitzel on September 06, 2009, 04:43:47 PM
Would you please post this attachment as a Ticket on the project server? Thanks


Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Galynet on October 05, 2009, 07:19:44 PM
Hello, I it will try to translate to Spanish and to Galician language.
Give me time, please .
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Galynet on October 05, 2009, 07:58:30 PM
Go. Spanish language:

Code: [Select]
[&#39;REDIRECT_AFTER&#39;] = &#39;Redirigir despu&eacute;s&#39;;

Code: [Select]
[&#39;SEC_ANCHOR&#39;] = &#39;Secci&oacute;n-Ancla de texto&#39;;

Code: [Select]
[&#39;CODE_SNIPPET&#39;] = "fragmentos de c&oacute;digo";

Code: [Select]
[&#39;THEME&#39;] = &#39;Tema del backend&#39;;

Code: [Select]
$TEXT[&#39;UNZIP_FILE&#39;] = "Subir y descomprimir archivo zip";
$TEXT[&#39;DELETE_ZIP&#39;] = "Borrar archivo zip tras descomprimir";

Code: [Select]
[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;CANNOT_UNINSTALL_IN_USE_TMPL&#39;] = "<br /><br />{{type}} <b>{{type_name}}</b> no puede ser desinstalado, porque est&aacute; siendo usado en {{pages}}.<br /><br />";
$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;CANNOT_UNINSTALL_IN_USE_TMPL_PAGES&#39;] = "esta p&aacute;gina;estas p&aacute;ginas";
$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;CANNOT_UNINSTALL_IS_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE&#39;] = "No es posible desintalar la plantilla <b>{{name}}</b>, porque es la plantilla predefinida!";

Code: [Select]
[&#39;SIGNUP2&#39;][&#39;SUBJECT_LOGIN_INFO&#39;] = &#39;Tus datos de acceso...&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;SIGNUP2&#39;][&#39;BODY_LOGIN_INFO&#39;] = <<< EOT

Tus &#39;{LOGIN_WEBSITE_TITLE}&#39; datos de acceso son:
Usuario: {LOGIN_NAME}
Contrase&ntilde;a: {LOGIN_PASSWORD}

Tu contrase&ntilde;a ha sido restablecida.
Esto significa que tu contrase&ntilde;a anterior ya no es v&aacute;lida.

Si recibes este mensaje por errorpor favorb&oacute;rralo de inmediato.

Code: [Select]
[&#39;ADDON_PRECHECK_FAILED&#39;] = &#39;Requisitos del m&oacute;dulo no encontrados&#39;;
$HEADING[&#39;INVOKE_MODULE_FILES&#39;] = &#39;Ejecutar archivos del m&oacute;dulo manualmente&#39;;

$TEXT[&#39;REQUIREMENT&#39;] = "Requisitos";
$TEXT[&#39;INSTALLED&#39;] = "instalado";
$TEXT[&#39;NOT_INSTALLED&#39;] = "no instalado";
$TEXT[&#39;ADDON&#39;] = "M&oacute;dulo";
$TEXT[&#39;EXTENSION&#39;] = "Extensi&oacute;n";

$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;INVALID_ADDON_FILE&#39;] = &#39;Archivo de instalaci&oacute;n no v&aacute;lido. Por favor comprueba el formato *.zip.&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;GENERIC&#39;][&#39;INVALID_LANGUAGE_FILE&#39;] = &#39;Archivo de idioma no v&aacute;lido. Por favor, comprueba el texto del archivo.&#39;;

$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;RELOAD&#39;] = &#39;Actualizar base de datos con la informaci&oacute;n de los archivos de los m&oacute;dulos (e.g. despu&eacute;s de subir FTP).&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;ERROR_RELOAD&#39;] = &#39;Error durante la actualizaci&oacute;n de la informaci&oacute;n del m&oacute;dulo.&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;MODULES_RELOADED&#39;] = &#39;M&oacute;dulos recargados correctamente&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;TEMPLATES_RELOADED&#39;] = &#39;Plantillas recargadas correctamente&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;LANGUAGES_RELOADED&#39;] = &#39;Idiomas recargados correctamente&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;PRECHECK_FAILED&#39;] = &#39;Instalaci&oacute;n de m&oacute;dulo fallida. Tu sistema no re&uacute;ne los requisitos de este m&oacute;dulo. Para hacer que este m&oacute;dulo trabaje en tu sistema, por favor arregla los siguientes temas que se muestran a continuaci&oacute;n.&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;MANUAL_INSTALLATION&#39;] = &#39;Cuando los m&oacute;dulos son subidos v&iacute;a FTP (no recomendedado), los archivos de instalaci&oacute;n de m&oacute;dulo <tt>install.php</tt>, <tt>upgrade.php</tt> o <tt>uninstall.php</tt> will no se ejecutan autom&aacute;ticamente. Esos m&oacute;dulos pueden no trabajar o no desinstalarse correctamente.<br /><br />Puedes ejecutar los archivos de m&oacute;dulo manualmente para los m&oacute;dulos subidos por FTP.&#39;;
$MESSAGE[&#39;ADDON&#39;][&#39;MANUAL_INSTALLATION_WARNING&#39;] = &#39;Aviso: las entradas de este m&oacute;dulo existentes en la base de datos se perder&aacute;n. Usa esta opci&oacute;n &uacute;nicamente si experimentas problemas con m&oacute;dulos cargador por FTP.&#39;;?>

Code: [Select]
[&#39;TEXT_READ_MORE&#39;] = &#39;Leer m&aacute;s&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_POSTED_BY&#39;] = &#39;Publicado por&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_ON&#39;] = &#39;el&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_LAST_CHANGED&#39;] = &#39;Ultimo cambio&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_AT&#39;] = &#39;a las&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_BACK&#39;] = &#39;Atr&aacute;s&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_COMMENTS&#39;] = &#39;Comentarios&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_COMMENT&#39;] = &#39;Comentar&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_ADD_COMMENT&#39;] = &#39;A&ntilde;adir comentario&#39;;
$MOD_NEWS[&#39;TEXT_BY&#39;] = &#39;Por&#39;;

That´s all. The galician language is comming. Be patient
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: kweitzel on October 06, 2009, 07:30:00 PM
Found an htmlentities problem with the Danish language file for the Captcha module in 2.8 - here is a correction.


No Ticket and no download?


Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Achrist on July 17, 2011, 12:04:37 AM
Danish language main translation file for CB 2.8.2 RC 7.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Argos on July 17, 2011, 07:37:10 PM
If I'm not mistaken, most of WB 2.8 RC1 is already translated in Dutch. See here (,13562.0.html).

I'll check and update the RC7 Dutch file!
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: Argos on July 29, 2011, 02:52:00 PM
I suggest the following modifications in the final release General Dutch language file. The suggestion in red is crucial, as this is a wrong translation. The remark in green is for clarification only, and should be left out of the language file.

$TEXT['SEC_ANCHOR'] = 'Sessie-voorvoegsel';
should be
$TEXT['SEC_ANCHOR'] = 'Sectie-anker';

$TEXT['THEME'] = 'Thema Website-beheer';
should be
$TEXT['THEME'] = 'Websitebeheer-theme'; In Dutch we use the English word theme just like the English word template. The Dutch word thema means something different.

$MESSAGE['GENERIC_CANNOT_UNIN STALL_IS_DEFAULT_TE MPLATE'] = 'De template <b>{{name}}</b> kan niet verwijderd worden omdat het de standaard-template is.';
should be
$MESSAGE['GENERIC_CANNOT_UNIN STALL_IS_DEFAULT_TE MPLATE'] = '<b>{{name}}</b> is de standaard template en kan niet verwijderd worden.';

$MESSAGE['GENERIC_CANNOT_UNIN STALL_IS_DEFAULT_TH EME'] = 'Het is niet mogelijk de template <b>{{name}}</b> te verwijderen omdat het het standaard admin-thema is.';
should be
$MESSAGE['GENERIC_CANNOT_UNIN STALL_IS_DEFAULT_TH EME'] = '<b>{{name}}</b> is het standaard websitebeheer-theme en kan niet verwijderd worden.';
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: quinto on February 26, 2015, 06:57:44 PM
hello there was a big mistake in the FR.php of the "Menu Link" module:
line 30 text was :
Code: [Select]
$MOD_MENU_LINK['TEXT'] = 'Cliquez ICI pour retourn&eacute; &agrave; la page principale';
corrected text is :
Code: [Select]
$MOD_MENU_LINK['TEXT'] = 'Cliquez ICI pour retourner &agrave; la page principale';
(corrected FR.php is available in attachment).
I finished FR.php of cwsoft-addon-file-editor, and I will soon finish fr translation for "Droplets" and "SecureForm Switcher".
Title: Re: WB 2.8 Translation help needed
Post by: quinto on February 26, 2015, 07:17:51 PM
here is the fr translation for "Droplets":
(attached file)