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General Community => WebsiteBaker Website Showcase => Topic started by: Waldschwein on September 25, 2007, 06:35:15 PM

Title: German music site
Post by: Waldschwein on September 25, 2007, 06:35:15 PM

Here is my newest project. It isn't really fionished yet, but quite.  8-)
The "transparent" effect is unfortunately not shown in Opera, and Netscape (but well, who uses Netscape???).
It's a bit looking like my former page - but, I don't money for it and I'm no professional.

Regards Michael

Title: Re: German music site
Post by: doc on September 25, 2007, 06:48:18 PM

well I would not quote: "Diese Seite benutzt gültiges XHTML , CSS und ist WCAG Priority 2 Conformance getestet." if the validator show this result ( And the side does not use valid X(HTML), it generates it (if it does)  :-)

Apart from that, a nice side.

Regards Christian

Title: Re: German music site
Post by: Waldschwein on September 25, 2007, 06:57:52 PM
It isn't really finished yet
:-D Yes, I know, but I don't really find the errors the validator shows me. But a friend of mine will fix that soon. Ok, I will rephrase the quote.
Thanks for your opinion.

Regards Michael
Title: Re: German music site
Post by: frankyboy on September 25, 2007, 11:59:55 PM
i really like this pop-down menue, first time i ever saw so such kind of a menue supporting 2 levels.great.
Title: Re: German music site
Post by: albatros on September 26, 2007, 12:11:57 PM
Hello Michael,

very nice site!

With Opera 9.23 i can´t see any Problem with the transparency effect. Neither with the background, nor with the top-menu. To me, everything seems to be ok there.

By the way...did you forget to hide the left menu (sideColumn or lNavContainer) in your print.css or is it, as you want to be?

Best regards


Title: Re: German music site
Post by: flipt on October 02, 2007, 08:44:55 PM
i really like this pop-down menue, first time i ever saw so such kind of a menue supporting 2 levels.great.
Did you do this multi level menu with showmenu2?

Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: German music site
Post by: Waldschwein on October 02, 2007, 09:52:37 PM

Thanks for your comments. ;)

Yes, it's realised with show_menu2 (but look for example at the template AllCss2, that uses quite the same drop-downs).

And yes, the print.css needs a bit of rework, but it will be made soon.

Regards Michael
Title: Re: German music site
Post by: Waldschwein on December 30, 2007, 10:00:40 PM

Yes, very old topic, very old story.... But now this site gets at least online the next days.
I hope all the improvements we made to before were worth doing. :-)
(And yes, I like very much the not-yet released opacity feature of CSS3  :-D ).

Regards Michael