WebsiteBaker Community Forum

WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) => Templates, Menus & Design => Topic started by: Eki on June 15, 2007, 01:09:12 PM

Title: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on June 15, 2007, 01:09:12 PM
Hi everybody,

My first template for WB. Originally designed by Wolfgang.
It has a three column layout, but can easily be custumised to be used as two-column. It needs show_menu2() installed, and contains three menu's:

One main menu (horizontal dropdown, one sublevel), one horizontal top-menu in the header and one extra menu in the left column.

Some of the styles of the original design had to be left out, because it would break the layout of the pages which are generated (e.g. forms, captcha, news, etc.)

See also Wolfgang's website ( to see how the template could be customised to your needs.

I am working on a showcase at this moment.

EDIT: Newer version below!!!

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on June 15, 2007, 01:45:54 PM
The showcase (
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: jschor on June 15, 2007, 03:55:16 PM
Very nice, professional template. Thank you for this contribution.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: marccouture on June 15, 2007, 06:10:21 PM
Ditto, this is a great template.  My only problem is having to deal with content blocks, but that's just my lazy side typing.  :roll:
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: kweitzel on June 16, 2007, 12:08:04 AM
Uploaded to the add-on repository ... but maybe you should define the center block width. Just have a look at the preview.


Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: hopper577 on June 16, 2007, 07:58:46 AM
hello there what a funny situation.  I have recently modified the same template to work with WB

Here is a preview (

the template is attached



[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on June 16, 2007, 08:15:55 AM
Uploaded to the add-on repository ... but maybe you should define the center block width. Just have a look at the preview.



Indeed it does...I've reviewed it in IE and Firefox. Works well over here at home. It seems that this is only the case in the preview section. To my opinion it should however work in all cases, so I will have a look at it.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on June 16, 2007, 04:41:06 PM

I guessed that the preview page is a table layout, which I had removed in the CSS to keep flexibility. Some of it I put back, which should solve this problem...hopefully .

[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: kweitzel on June 16, 2007, 08:00:00 PM
Thanks for a quick update. I did the update and unfortunatly the error still shows ... Bens Version is up and does not show these errors. But yours has the blocks set-up, so it would be nice to offer both ...


Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: martinstan1 on June 20, 2007, 06:36:04 PM
I really like this template but have received the following error in the right hand column. Warning: main( [function.main]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/sites/website/public_html/falmouth/templates/Multiflex-3/index.php on line 210

any ideas? something simple maybe??? :-D

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on June 20, 2007, 07:31:11 PM

Sorry for the inconvenience. Left a line in, which was meant for testing. I replaced it with the original and attached it.


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: martinstan1 on June 20, 2007, 10:52:52 PM
Very very nice.
perfect for what I need it for.
Thanks Eki
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: lexscripta on June 29, 2007, 02:44:50 AM
Both examples are broke in the right boxes. Errors and links flow outside the divs

FIrefox 2.0

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: maximil on July 08, 2007, 05:01:02 PM

Really nice template.

Just wondering how do you specify which entry (menu, link) goes in which menu.
Ex. I want a 'contact us' link in the header menu. how ?
The sub-menus won't work for me !! They will display one beside another instead of one inside another !! How ?
How do I specify the menu links to be displayed in the sidebar ??

Just to be clear,  i've created some links in WB, some are menus links embeded in other menu links using the parent option in the page creator. I can't find the way to push them on inside another neither to have them displayed in the header.

I'm not so familiar with WB neither showmenu2(), so sorry for this newbie post.

I actually work locally with FF2

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: hopper577 on July 14, 2007, 10:58:16 AM
if you are using my template then u have to make sure you have show_menu2 installed.  what will happen is all the parent pages will be shown in the top menu and the child pages will be shown in the side menu.


Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: marccouture on August 03, 2007, 01:53:38 PM
Ok, I thought I had this template figured out but I am lost...

This template should let me build a site that has a the following hierarchy in its menu structure:

Top Menu -> Main menu -> Extra Menu

If I click on a section in the top menu, it should open the menu in the Main section, and when I click on a menu item in that menu, the extra menu on the left-hand side should then appear, correct?  In any case, this is what I need to do for my current project, if I'm incorrect, please tell me now! LOL

Now, if I create a page and a sub-page under it, then move the "container" page to the top menu, the sub-page doesn't appear anywhere anymore (I tried moving around the sub-section to other menus, but nothing seems to work).

I'm totally confused.   Help!
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: hopper577 on August 06, 2007, 02:36:02 AM
do you have show_menu2 installed???

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: marccouture on August 07, 2007, 01:03:14 PM
Of course!
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on August 20, 2007, 05:11:32 AM

Please consider all three menu's as seperate, not part of a hierarchy.
If you need submenu's of the Main Menu to appear in the left side menu, you need to change the settings in the template. In fact it would make the show_menu2 parameters somewhat easier to understand. At this moment it has some hacks in it for properly displaying the Main menu (drop down) in IE.

Also, for some reason the first menu-item in the main menu cannot have children. Don't know why, but they will not show in the drop down.

hope this helps,

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: jensl1972 on September 12, 2007, 10:48:24 PM
Hi all!

I can't seem to get the drop downs working in this great template.

I have getmenu 2 installed.

Demo at:

<?php show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT, SM2_ALL,SM2_ALL,..............................

Test 2 and Test 3 are submenus to Velkommen

Thanks in advance.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: amilo on September 19, 2007, 11:47:04 AM
jensl1972 I see from your link that you have given up and gone over to Joomla.

Its a shame because this is a great piece of kit.

If you think you had problems with WB wait until you start playing with Joomla...
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: jensl1972 on September 19, 2007, 12:15:48 PM
Hi Amilo!

I've been using Joomla for the last 3 years and have all but no problems using it. Even the more "advanced" code bits.
I intend to keep using WB for my medium sized sites as it is by far the best CMS for this range.

If You can point me to a place where I can learn how to use the menus (ie. implement menus, php etc) in WB I would be thankfull, as I really like this CMS.
Best regards
Jens Lorentsen
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: ruebenwurzel on September 19, 2007, 02:42:01 PM

have a look at our help pages: (

This shows how to use different (even independent) menues. Next part is to style them in the css file of your template. You find a few bookmarks wich could help you on our help page too.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: jensl1972 on September 19, 2007, 03:46:19 PM

I'll have another go at the help files. I have however not found them very usefull (clear) in the past. It seems to me that there are a lot of old stuff in there which are no longer relevant. Don't see this as a huge critisism, just an observation.

Just a note:
The link i got from Matthias leads to another help file than the one I refer to above. Hence the critisism is not relevant. Sorry for being too quick on the trigger  :-o
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: ruebenwurzel on September 19, 2007, 04:28:28 PM

the new help pages are online since 16. August. So maybe the link you had pointed you to the old pages. Hope you like the new pages and find what you are looking for.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: hingis on September 23, 2007, 01:43:33 PM
Thank you for sharing this site.Great templates are in it,thanks again..
Title: Child menu not dropping down
Post by: aggiejag on November 19, 2007, 08:24:33 PM
Howdy all,
  I'm having some issues with the dropdown menu on Multiflex.  The code looks ok, but the child menu option is displaying as a parent.

Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: ruebenwurzel on November 20, 2007, 07:08:08 AM

Multiflex-3 uses show_menu2. The latest version you can download from our addons Page (code snippet). How to configure it you can read in the README wich comes with the modul or on the developpers page: (

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: mysticfreeman on November 24, 2007, 03:06:39 PM
i think im having the same problem as aggiejag at and i cant figure out how to change it..

can anyone please post up a solution? my code is standard from the index.php file
Code: [Select]
<!-- Navigation Level 2 (Drop-down menus) -->
        <div class="nav2">

          <!-- Navigation item -->
          <?php show_menu2(1SM2_ROOTSM2_ALL,SM2_ALL,&#39;<li>[a][menu_title]
[if(class==menu-expand){<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6><table><tr><td><![endif]--><ul>}]
menu-last){</li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->}]&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;); ?>


Code: [Select]
/*Drop-down menu*/
.nav2 {white-space:nowrap /*IE hack*/; float:left; width:900px; border:none; background:rgb(225,225,225) url(./img/bg_head_bottom_nav.jpg) no-repeat; color:rgb(75,75,75); font-size:130%;} /*Color navigation bar normal mode*/
.nav2 ul {list-style-type:none;}
.nav2 ul li {float:left; z-index:auto !important /*Non-IE6*/; z-index:1000 /*IE6*/; border-right:solid 1px rgb(175,175,175);}
.nav2 ul li a {float:none !important /*Non-IE6*/; float:left /*IE-6*/; display:block; height:3.1em; line-height:3.1em; padding:0 16px 0 16px; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color: rgb(100,100,100);}
.nav2 ul li ul {display:none; border:none;}

/*Non-IE6 hovering*/
.nav2 ul li:hover {position:relative;} /*Sylvain IE hack*/
.nav2 ul li:hover a {background-color:rgb(210,210,210); text-decoration:none;} /*Color main cells hovering mode*/
.nav2 ul li:hover ul {display:block; width:10.0em; position:absolute; z-index:999; top:3.0em; margin-top:0.1em; left:0;}
.nav2 ul li:hover ul li a {white-space:normal; display:block; width:10.0em; height:auto; line-height:1.3em; margin-left:-1px; padding:4px 16px 4px 16px; border-left:solid 1px rgb(175,175,175); border-bottom: solid 1px rgb(175,175,175); background-color:rgb(237,237,237); font-weight:normal; color:rgb(50,50,50);} /*Color subcells normal mode*/
.nav2 ul li:hover ul li a:hover {background-color:rgb(210,210,210); text-decoration:none;} /*Color subcells hovering mode*/

/*IE6 hovering*/
.nav2 table {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; border-collapse:collapse;}
.nav2 ul li a:hover {position:relative /*Sylvain IE hack*/; z-index:1000 /*Sylvain IE hack*/; background-color:rgb(210,210,210); text-decoration:none;} /*Color main cells hovering mode*/
.nav2 ul li a:hover ul {display:block; width:10.0em; position:absolute; z-index:999; top:3.1em; t\op:3.0em; left:0; marg\in-top:0.1em;}
.nav2 ul li a:hover ul li a {white-space:normal; display:block; w\idth:10.0em; height:1px; line-height:1.3em; padding:4px 16px 4px 16px; border-left:solid 1px rgb(175,175,175); border-bottom: solid 1px rgb(175,175,175); background-color:rgb(237,237,237); font-weight:normal; color:rgb(50,50,50);} /*Color subcells normal mode*/
.nav2 ul li a:hover ul li a:hover {background-color:rgb(210,210,210); text-decoration:none;} /*Color subcells hovering mode*/
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: mysticfreeman on November 24, 2007, 04:17:02 PM
forgot to add...
its working fine in FF but not in IE7 which is where i seem to be getting all the troubles :( any and all help is apprecaited
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on November 24, 2007, 06:06:49 PM
Hi all,

When porting the template to WB, I came accross the same problem, but couldn't fix it any more with the conditional statements that are in the show_menu2() function in the file index.php of the template. I wanted the template to work in FF as well as IE (6 and 7), but got it to work only for 1 sub-menu.

The original template ( also contains some conditional statements, but I was having troubles converting it to one show_menu2() statement. I may have a look at it in the future, but I am very busy at the moment, so it won't be done before the year-end. Maybe anyone else is able to do so.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: mysticfreeman on November 25, 2007, 05:05:20 PM
cheers Eki..

i have been back and forth with it and i simply cannot get it to work with all browsers.. at present i am thinking about only making it one sub-level like you stated and creating a new menu level elsewhere..

hope someone can place the nail on the head of this problem as its a lovely template
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: powderbomber on January 15, 2008, 02:46:48 AM
had trouble with dropdowns so I poached some code from the other version of the multiflex template thats available.

in the index.php i replaced this:
Code: [Select]
<!-- Navigation item -->
          <?php show_menu2(1SM2_ROOTSM2_ALL,SM2_ALL,&#39;<li>[a][menu_title]
[if(class==menu-expand){<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]--><ul>}]
menu-last){</li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->}]&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;); ?>


with this:

Code: [Select]
<?php show_menu2(1SM2_ROOTSM2_ALLSM2_ALL|SM2_PRETTY, &#39;<li [if(class==menu-current){id="menu-current"}]>[a][menu_title]</a>&#39;); ?>
and that sorted it, though I havent tested it on all browsers.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: powderbomber on January 17, 2008, 04:24:14 AM
now ive tested it and it doesnt work on ie6 surprise surprise...
the best ive been able to do is this:

Code: [Select]
<!-- Navigation Level 2 (Drop-down menus) -->
        <div class="nav2">
            <?php show_menu2(1SM2_ROOTSM2_ALLSM2_ALL|SM2_PRETTY,&#39;[li][a][menu_title]
[if(class==menu-expand){<!--[if IE 7]></a><![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]--><ul>}]
menu-last){</li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->}]
#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;); ?>


this works on all browsers - 1 issue ive come across - if you have submenus on the last top level menu, it breaks. However if you make sure your last top level menu has no submenus attached, youll be fine. Tried for hours to sort it out with no luck!
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: DGEC on January 17, 2008, 11:19:56 PM
FYI, Multiflex-4 is out (from (

Also, someone might want to notify the author that there's a WB conversion so he can add WB to his CMS list.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on January 18, 2008, 07:48:59 PM
I sent an e-mail once just stating that the template was also available for WB now, but got a reply with the message that he was not able to give me any support  :?
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: DGEC on January 18, 2008, 09:38:49 PM
That's odd. Maybe he misunderstood. 
I didn't get the idea that he was supporting the templates on the other CMSs.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: NetSage on January 20, 2008, 08:51:38 PM
I sent an e-mail once just stating that the template was also available for WB now, but got a reply with the message that he was not able to give me any support  :?

They may have an auto responder setup temporarily.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on January 22, 2008, 06:21:18 AM
Just sent the message again to the original designer. We'll see.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Eki on January 24, 2008, 09:49:40 AM
Hi all,

Made a new revision of the template (see attached). Did some minor changes with regard to footer credits and info.php on the advice of Gerhard (original designer).


[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: bueno on May 18, 2008, 08:51:40 PM

I'd like to use the multiflex-3 template in my wb 2.7 installation.
sublevels should be shown as dropdowns from the main navigation, but are placed at the same level. (checked in FF and safari on Mac).

The template produces the following code:
Code: [Select]
<!-- A.3 HEADER BOTTOM -->
      <div class="header-bottom">
        <!-- Navigation Level 2 (Drop-down menus) -->
        <div class="nav2">
          <!-- Navigation item -->
          <li><a href="" target="_top">Home                   
                        <li><a href="" target="_top">Contact</a>
                        <li><a href="" target="_top">Gastenboek</a>
                        <li><a href="" target="_top">Nieuws
                        <!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]--><ul>                 
                        </li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]--><li><a href="" target="_top">Nieuwsbrieven </a>         
                        </li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->          </ul>


As u can see, the sublevel link (" nieuwsbrieven" ) is placed outside the corresponding <ul>.

Has anyone encountered the same problem, and found the solution?
Ik looked at the index.php, but I don't feel confident with this conditional statements in the show_menu2()-function (that's where the solution is, i think):

Code: [Select]
      <div class="header-bottom">
        <!-- Navigation Level 2 (Drop-down menus) -->
        <div class="nav2">
          <!-- Navigation item -->
          <?php show_menu2(1SM2_ROOTSM2_ALL,SM2_ALL,&#39;<li>[a][menu_title]
[if(class==menu-expand){<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]--><ul>}]
menu-last){</li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->}]&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;); ?>


Anyone any suggestions?
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: ruebenwurzel on May 19, 2008, 06:50:32 AM

had exactly the same problem on a project of mine. The issues is indeed the menu call. Couldn't solve it. At the moment i use this code here:

Code: [Select]
<?php show_menu2(0SM2_ROOTSM2_ALLSM2_ALL|SM2_CURRTREE, &#39;<li><a href="[url]">[menu_title]</a>&#39;,&#39;</li>&#39;,&#39;<ul>&#39;,&#39;</ul>&#39;); ?>
This works for all browsers exept IE6. As IE6 is used from about 30% this is only a temporary solution. I tried to solve this <ul> issue in the original code with additional if statements btw. changed if statements but didn't get it to work. So if someone got's the solution i would like to have it too.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Ruud on May 19, 2008, 09:12:06 AM
Strange thing.

I have used this template for two sites. No problem there.
I have been compairing data from bruno and my call is exactly the same, except the output is fine.

My sites are still running on 2.6.7 though.

Could it be there are modifications in the 2.7 show_menu2?

Another idea I had was that there are hidden or previous deleted menuitems where SM2 thinks he needs to close an item. Didin't test that, just a brainwave  :-)

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: ruebenwurzel on May 19, 2008, 11:23:52 AM

Using the original code looks good in the frontend in every browser but when you try to validiate the page you see what the issue is. The handling of <ul> for sublevels is wrong wich makes the page not valide independent from the fact that it seems to work.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Ruud on May 19, 2008, 11:45:09 AM
Using the original code looks good in the frontend in every browser but when you try to validiate the page you see what the issue is.

Yes, I noticed that too. But I think with the IE hacks in it, it will never validate  :-)
The problem bueno describes is that a submenu is displayed as e new top-menu.
Looking at his generated code the is one </li></ul> too many.

-- cut --
<li><a href="" target="_top">Nieuws
<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]--><ul>                 
</li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]--><li><a href="" target="_top">Nieuwsbrieven </a>         
</li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->          </ul>

The second line generates a new IE6 <table> and a new <ul>
The next line closes that one directly (in red), creates the submenu and closes it again.

Thats strange behaviour.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Ruud on May 19, 2008, 11:57:38 AM
Found the problem.

You cannot use a submenu on the last menu item.

Code: [Select]
<?php show_menu2(1SM2_ROOTSM2_ALL,SM2_ALL,&#39;<li>[a][menu_title]
[if(class==menu-expand){<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]--><ul>}]
menu-last){</li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->}]&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;,&#39;&#39;); ?>

The condition for menu-last will add the extra </li></ul>.
So a page that has both menu-expand and menu-last in the generated class will go wrong.

The simple solution is therefore: don't use submenu's on the last menu. Just think of something more to show on your website. :-P

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: bueno on May 20, 2008, 06:09:03 PM
Thanks RuudE!
I can move around some items in the navigation so that the submenu is not part of the last main menu item.
I'l try to add extra conditions to the the last if-statement to prevent the extra </li></ul>.
I'll let you guys know what my findings are.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: chipmandoo on May 28, 2008, 04:44:02 PM
Hi, I am using 2.6.7 with the menu2 code snippet installed. When I try and install this template I get the error message 'The file you uploaded is invalid'.

The folder structure is intact, and I am uploading the zip etc.

Any clues?
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: ruebenwurzel on May 29, 2008, 07:01:01 AM

The file you uploaded is invalid

This message is displayed when you try to install f.e a Template as Modul.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Argos on July 07, 2008, 03:16:00 AM
To solve the problem with the menu, just use the menu of the ALLCSS2 template. Copy the menu part from the index.php and the CSS file from the ALLCSS2 template into the Multiflex template. Also copy the file from the ALLCSS2 folder into the Multiflex folder. This is a small file needed for IE6, otherwise it won't show the sub menus.

Style the CSS of the menu so that it fits the Multiflex style. Maybe I'll post that info later myself.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on July 18, 2008, 04:03:32 AM
I must be missing something really basic.
I really just need some basic instructions for Multiflex 3.
I am a part-time developer, who has a non-technical user see a demo for WebsiteBaker.
She chose Multiflex-3 as her favorite template.
I have successfully installed WB and Multiflex-3.
She can use the web-based menus to change the menus and the content body.
However, there are sever things she (and I) cannot figure out how to change.

I see on the right "Latest News" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
This section appears on every page, so it must be global to the site.
I cannot find any reference to the page in the web admin system, and I have downloaded all the files and searched through the file contents with no luck.  I am at a loss at how this text is generated.  It must be loaded in the MySQL tables (which I can get to), but I feel certain there must be a web-based way to alter them.
Other different colored sections are on the right with the same latin text.
I also see an "Other Menu" on the left.
I would also like to change the global page header image and text ("EASY • FLEXIBLE • ROBUST, etc...").

I looked for instructions on this template, and found this:
It says to "Check the navigation menu to discover more!", but I've clicked on everything, and can't find any more info.
I've browsed the website baker documentation, but don't find any mention of the side menus.
I looked at add-ons, and see version 4.5 listed on my site.  So I know I have it.

Again, I feel like I am missing something really simple here.  I can write PHP and MySQL until the cows come home, but installed this so that my non-technical user could edit her web site with only minimal assistance from me.  She saw a demo that made site-editing look dirt-easy, so what am I missing?
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: ruebenwurzel on July 18, 2008, 07:22:15 AM

please first read our docu. ( ( Some of your questions are explained there. If not you got an overview about the template structure wich should help you to find the code you are looking for. Basically all is written in the index.php of the template. To look on cannot help, as the code you are looking for is a WB snippet and has nothing to do with the basic template code.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Argos on July 18, 2008, 08:40:23 AM
I see on the right "Latest News" with "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit."
This section appears on every page, so it must be global to the site.
I cannot find any reference to the page in the web admin system, and I have downloaded all the files and searched through the file contents with no luck.  I am at a loss at how this text is generated.  It must be loaded in the MySQL tables (which I can get to), but I feel certain there must be a web-based way to alter them.
Other different colored sections are on the right with the same latin text.
These are example texts, hardcoded in the index.php from line 207 on. There are a number of similar blocks, looking like this:
Code: [Select]
<!-- Subcontent unit -->
        <div class="subcontent-unit-border">
          <div class="round-border-topleft"></div><div class="round-border-topright"></div>
          <h1>Latest News</h1>
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.</p>

I also see an "Other Menu" on the left.
That's on line 151:
Code: [Select]
        <!-- Navigation Level 3 -->
        <div class="round-border-topright"></div>
        <h1 class="first">Other Menu</h1>

I would also like to change the global page header image and text ("EASY • FLEXIBLE • ROBUST, etc...").
That's also hardcoded in the index.php, from line 95:
Code: [Select]
        <div class="sitemessage">
          <h1>EASY &bull; FLEXIBLE &bull; ROBUST</h1>
          <h2>The third generation Multiflex is<br /> here, now with cooler design<br /> features and easier code!</h2>
          <h3><a href="#">&rsaquo;&rsaquo;&nbsp;More details</a></h3>

I looked for instructions on this template, and found this:
That is the original, non-WB version of the template. The WB-version is here: Just remove all the example stuff and insert WB-code for news, and other menu and content blocks where you want. See the demo at
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on July 18, 2008, 02:02:00 PM
These are example texts, hardcoded in the index.php from line 207 on.
OK, I think I found my main problem.  When searching for text in files, Win XP has a bug that does not search through all file types (.e.g. PHP).  I am absolutely astounded that an operating system that has been out this long has such a basic bug.

NOW, I can find the text in PHP files in ...\Multiflex-3\index.php
From reading above, it sounds like all of the global text/graphics need to be changed in index.php, which I can do.
I will also read the advanced documentation to see what I can find.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Argos on July 18, 2008, 02:07:12 PM
These are example texts, hardcoded in the index.php from line 207 on.
OK, I think I found my main problem.  When searching for text in files, Win XP has a bug that does not search through all file types (.e.g. PHP).  I am absolutely astounded that an operating system that has been out this long has such a basic bug.

NOW, I can find the text in PHP files in ...\Multiflex-3\index.php
From reading above, it sounds like all of the global text/graphics need to be changed in index.php, which I can do.
I will also read the advanced documentation to see what I can find.
LOL I can't believe you did a search with XP to find the things you were lookign for. Mate, the template file is only index.php, and it's very small. Didn't you look at the file at all??  :roll:
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on July 18, 2008, 02:14:49 PM
LOL I can't believe you did a search with XP to find the things you were lookign for. Mate, the template file is only index.php, and it's very small. Didn't you look at the file at all??  :roll:
I know, it sounds silly now, but there are index.php files sprinkled all through the directory structure.  None of the forum posts I looked at mentioned which one to look at.  I figured such a simple search would easily find the file without having to manually dig through the directory structure.  So, when WinXP told me the text did not exist anywhere in the wb file structure, I didn't look further.
Sure, it is obvious if you know where to look, but not if you're not familiar with WB.  The installation process automatically puts the files in the template directory.  I didn't have to look there myself until now.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: ruebenwurzel on July 18, 2008, 02:42:37 PM

please read the posts above. We talked about the index.php of the your template.

So where could this file be? right in the templates directory. ok and you may say now where? Wich template we talk about? Multiflex3 right. Damm i found the correct index.php in templates/multiflex3 directory without using the search of XP, only with 2 seconds in my mind.  :-D

And please also don't use the XP editors for editing files. Try a product like notepad++ or whatever. Using XP will let you run in the next issues.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Argos on July 18, 2008, 03:10:29 PM
The installation process automatically puts the files in the template directory.  I didn't have to look there myself until now.
But this template is not part of the default install, so you must have downloaded it to your pc. That was the place you should have looked. It has nothing to do with the map on the server where WB puts it (although it's pretty obvious that it's the template folder, of course). If you customize a template, you do that locally. So there is no "digging through the directory structure", you just go the folder where you have put it locally :-). It makes sense to put it into the templates folder to begin with of course...

I suggest you read before doing anything else. You really should have a basic idea of how WB operates.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on July 18, 2008, 07:26:37 PM
Guys, guys, you're being a little rough here.
I never said I couldn't find the index file in the (Multiflex) template directory.
But I had done a search for the text I was looking for (including that directory), and the search said the text wasn't there.
So I was 100% positive that the answer to -my- question wasn't there.  So I concentrated on looking at other areas.
The reason I was mentioned the uncertainty of the location of the index file is that I know other users have asked similar questions, and having gone through their experience, I can see why they had problems as well.  (FYI: only an uploaded zip file is used to install the template - the process does not tell a new user where the unzipped files are saved, even though I knew where.)

I was told before I posted that this was not a friendly forum.  I guess I can't complain, since I was warned.

In any case, thanks for helping me determine that the WinXP search still has a bug, since that was my main problem.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: ruebenwurzel on July 18, 2008, 09:09:03 PM

Guys, guys, you're being a little rough here.

Sorry if it sounds for you as rough. Wasn't meant this way, thought it more a little bit funny. So if this was misunderstood i wanna say again sorry. I personally try to not use Bill Gates software as exactly for the reason you wrote.

I was told before I posted that this was not a friendly forum

If you stay here a little bit longer you will see 98% of the users here are very friendly and helpful. There are only few wich are not friendly and a few like me wich sounds not friendly because of lacks in their english.

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on July 18, 2008, 09:21:25 PM
OK, thanks for the clarification.
And let me restate that the technical info in the answers above was right on, and immediately got me on the right track to be productive again.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Argos on July 18, 2008, 11:16:54 PM
Hey xyloweb, I didn't mean to be harsh either. Welcome to the forums and WB  :-D
I hope you succeed with the template.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on July 26, 2008, 03:28:03 AM
I have been successful with all my changes except one.
I cannot change the (currently green) header image.
I have looked in layout_setup.css, and chenged the following from:

.header-middle {width:900px; height:150px; background:rgb(230,230,230) url(./img/bg_head_middle.jpg); overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}

.header-middle {width:900px; height:150px; background:rgb(230,230,230) url(/wb/media/Karaka.png); overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}

The green header image disappears, but the new header is not there.  The page header area collapses, as if there were no header image.

Is it because the image needs to be in the template image directory?  If so, I'm not sure how to easily get it there and keep the permissions correct.
Is there a problem with it being a PNG file?  I can view the PNG file in my browser at the address with no problem.

I'm sure I could edit the index.php and do it that way, but I would rather stick to using the template 'as is' without engineering any major changes.

P.S. to new users.  You need to add the "Template Edit" add-on to edit stuff other than the center content (e.g. to edit the template).
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: BerndJM on July 26, 2008, 06:25:38 AM

the path to your image isn't correct. I bet there is no folder "/wb/media/" in your templates directory as you say in you CSS statement.
You have to define the path from the point of view where your css-file resists.
If your css-file is in e.g. /templates/multiflex so the call for a pic in /media could be:

Regards Bernd
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Argos on July 26, 2008, 11:54:39 AM
You have to define the path from the point of view where your css-file resists.
If your css-file is in e.g. /templates/multiflex so the call for a pic in /media could be:

A fixed, static path, like (htttp:// would also work.

But you really should keep all template files in the template folder. So put the header pic in the template folder (or a sub folder), instead of the media folder. So in your case I'd recommend (./img/Karaka.png)

Besides: be aware of using png files. IE6 doesnt support png transparancy without additional hacks. So if you use png and transparancy is important, please check in IE6 as well, because it is still being used a lot. If transparancy is not important, you'd better use jpg. Of course gif is an option too, if the picture has max 256 colors.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on July 26, 2008, 02:43:59 PM
You have to define the path from the point of view where your css-file resists.
That is generally true, but if you start the path name with "/", I believe it should look in the root of the site, since that is an absolute path.  If you don't start with a "/", then it is a relative path which follows the rule you mentioned.
Quote from: BerndJM
A fixed, static path, like (htttp:// would also work.
I also tried using the fully qualified domain name, but that didn't work either.
I guess I'll try a JPG located in my template directory next, but I wish I could figure out why this doesn't work.
FYI: Here is the source of my image:
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: BerndJM on July 26, 2008, 03:45:38 PM
But you really should keep all template files in the template folder.
Of course that's the best and easiest way to store the pictures, but what do you do if the custmers wish is, to easy change them ...

Regards Bernd
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Argos on July 26, 2008, 07:09:06 PM
But you really should keep all template files in the template folder.
Of course that's the best and easiest way to store the pictures, but what do you do if the custmers wish is, to easy change them ...

Regards Bernd

Yes, that could be a valid reason, I didn't think about that.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: Argos on July 26, 2008, 07:11:11 PM
You have to define the path from the point of view where your css-file resists.
That is generally true, but if you start the path name with "/", I believe it should look in the root of the site, since that is an absolute path.  If you don't start with a "/", then it is a relative path which follows the rule you mentioned.
Quote from: BerndJM
A fixed, static path, like (htttp:// would also work.
I also tried using the fully qualified domain name, but that didn't work either.
I guess I'll try a JPG located in my template directory next, but I wish I could figure out why this doesn't work.
FYI: Here is the source of my image:

So you just want a solid background color? Why don't you use a color code then? Can we have a look a the site itself?
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on August 02, 2008, 03:25:28 AM
EDIT: The code has changed on the site - see the fix below.

Here is the site:

Here is the CSS:

FYI: I put my altered template/css/code in Multiflex-3a, where the original is in Multiflex-3.

Here is the CSS line that I commented out and added my own image.
The problem is that this new image does not show up.
Code: [Select]
/* .header-middle {width:900px; height:150px; background:rgb(230,230,230) url(./img/bg_head_middle.jpg); overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;} */
.header-middle {width:900px; height:100px; background:rgb(230,230,230) url(/wb/media/hot_pink.jpg); overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}

Here is the image file:

Thanks for your time in looking this over.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: BerndJM on August 02, 2008, 04:03:10 AM

but did you ever read only one of the responses you got to your first post :?
In the css the path to your "image file" is still not correct (I said it before)!
Your "image" is a big pink block - why you don't use a background-color with the appropriate color-code instead (as Argos mentioned!)?
Btw. the color-code is #FF0066

Regards Bernd
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on August 02, 2008, 02:00:25 PM
Your "image" is a big pink block - why you don't use a background-color with the appropriate color-code instead (as Argos mentioned!)?
I know, it seems more complicated than it needs to be now, but I will eventually replace the same-color banner with another image.

FIX: I found the problem.
I ran my code through a CSS validator, and saw that could not parse the line that I commented out.
Then I saw the "/*Firefox*/" in the middle of the line.
The "*/" on the end of that mid-line comment is actually terminating my comment before I intended.
I deleted that entire commented line, and now it works fine.

I was trying to be safe by keeping the old code for reference, but in the end, it bit me.
Thanks for the comments.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: olaf on February 04, 2011, 02:26:55 AM
hi all

i don't know if it helps anybody, since this one is a quite outdated template, but i just used it on one of my pages.
i got the already discussed IE8 problem with the dropdown menues, but insted of forcing IE8 to emulate IE7 i changed the show_menu2 call in the index.php like this:

originally it was:
Code: [Select]
show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT, SM2_ALL,SM2_ALL,'<li>[a][menu_title]
                        [if(class==menu-expand){<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]--><ul>}]
                        [if(class==menu-last){</li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->}]','','','');

and i changed to:
Code: [Select]
show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_ALL, SM2_ALL, false, "</li>", false, false, false, '<ul>');
and voila, IT WORKS! in all IEs (IE6,IE7,IE8)

hope this helps :)

Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: xyloweb on February 05, 2011, 03:37:09 AM
hi all

i don't know if it helps anybody, since this one is a quite outdated template...

...and voila, IT WORKS! in all IEs (IE6,IE7,IE8)

hope this helps :)

Heck, yes!
I was using this template and wasn't even aware of the problem.
I use FireFox and my client uses Safari.
Thanks for posting.  I fixed it in 5 minutes. what might have taken hours.
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: vincent77 on March 08, 2011, 01:38:02 PM
having this problem with IE8...

changed the
Code: [Select]
show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT, SM2_ALL,SM2_ALL,'<li>[a][menu_title]
                        [if(class==menu-expand){<!--[if IE 7]><!--></a><!--<![endif]--><!--[if lte IE 6]><table><tr><td><![endif]--><ul>}]
                        [if(class==menu-last){</li></ul><!--[if lte IE 6]></td></tr></table></a><![endif]-->}]','','','');

Code: [Select]
show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_ALL, SM2_ALL, false, "</li>", false, false, false, '<ul>');
but that still screws up in IE8  :oops:
Thought I was done... had a look in IE and started almost crying...
Title: Re: New template: Multiflex-3
Post by: olaf on March 10, 2011, 09:46:19 PM
i can't really help you since i tested this in IE8 a multiple times, but always worked for me.
maybe if you could give a link to your page, so i can have a look at it, i could have a look at it and try to find a solution.
