WebsiteBaker Community Forum

WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) => General Help & Support => Topic started by: pm998 on January 28, 2025, 05:16:04 PM

Title: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: pm998 on January 28, 2025, 05:16:04 PM
Dear all,

I have upgraded the system to WebsiteBaker 2.13.6 following the instruction in the announcement... Now the pages are missing the backend...
While the pages are still visible in the frontend (and are present in the database), they are not longer visible in the backend.
I can add new pages and can see the existing pages in the parent box during add, but there is no option to edit existing pages as no pages are listed there.

Any advice?

Best regards
Title: Re: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: ecology on January 28, 2025, 05:27:39 PM
Same here...

Nachdem ich die neueste WB Version (2.13.6) auf einen frischen Server installiert habe, Datenbank eingerichtet, zwei Seiten hinzugefügt, werden diese im Backend nicht angezeigt.
Ich kann keine dieser Seiten auswählen, Editieren oder ähnliches.
Auf der www Seite werden diese aber normal angezeigt.
Was los? Danke für x-welche Hilfe...
Title: Re: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: sternchen8875 on January 29, 2025, 01:01:27 AM
Sorry für die Umstände, aber das ist ein Problem, das meines Wissens hier noch nie aufgetreten ist

Das Einzige, was mir sofort einfällt, sind Übertragungsproblem e beim Hochladen der Dateien. Was hier fehlt, ist der Inhalt der Datei /admin/pages/dataRowsTable.php, ohne diese kann ich den Screenshot zumindest nachvollziehen.
Bitte mal kontrollieren, ob diese Datei vorhanden ist und Inhalt hat.

Ich würde in diesem Fall den Ordner /admin per FTP komplett löschen und aus dem WB-Paket  ( hochladen

Translated with (free version)

Sorry for the inconvenience, but this is a problem that to my knowledge has never occurred here before

The only thing I can immediately think of is transfer problems when uploading the files. What is missing here is the content of the file /admin/pages/dataRowsTable.php, without this I can at least understand the screenshot.
Please check whether this file exists and has content.

In this case, I would delete the /admin folder completely via FTP and upload it again from the WB package  (

Screenshot: my test without this file /admin/pages/dataRowsTable.php

Title: Re: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: sternchen8875 on January 29, 2025, 01:11:03 AM
Alle anderen möglichen Probleme, z.b. bei der Datenbankabfrage oder auch bei fehlenden Rechten in der Datenbank-Tabelle "groups" würde dazu führen, das der Titel "Seiten ändern oder löschen" nicht erscheint und statt dessen der Hinweis erscheint: keine gefunden (siehe Screenshot)
Bitte mal die jeweilige PHP-Version mit angeben und andere Seiten im Backend testen

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All other possible problems, e.g. with the database query or also with missing rights in the database table “groups” would lead to the fact that the title “Change or delete pages” does not appear and instead the message appears: none found (see screenshot).
Please specify the respective PHP version and test other pages in the backend


Title: Re: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: crnogorac081 on January 29, 2025, 11:46:23 AM
if anyone could provide access to live site with problem I can take a look
Title: Re: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: crnogorac081 on January 29, 2025, 12:29:01 PM
if anyone could provide access to live site with problem I can take a look

Anyway pages tree sould be separated based on menu lists , for example if you have Main menu , footer menu, sidebar etc... its a work in progress but it will look like this:

( (

Title: Re: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: sternchen8875 on February 20, 2025, 03:54:27 PM
Now the pages are missing the backend...

i hope, i found the problem....
something goes wrong with the file admin/pages/eggsurplus.js
looks good in the source code, looks good in ftp-permission, but the switch to hide a empty page-tree or display it, will not work.
i open this file, edit something, undo the changes and save it again, now it works

We will look at this file, whats happend
Title: Re: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: sternchen8875 on February 24, 2025, 12:42:27 PM
after a lot of test's

there is a little typofix inside of the function show_page_list() in admin/pages/eggsurplus.js
a missing semikolon at the end of this line here
var selectTable = document.querySelec torAll('.pages_view') ;

the complete, repaired function:
Code: [Select]
    function show_page_list(){
      var selectTable = document.querySelectorAll('.pages_view');
        for (var i = 0; i < selectTable.length; i++) {
            selectTable[i].style.display = (selectTable[i].style.display==="none" ? "" : "");

its important, to clear the browser-cache after the correction. check also in a new browser, if its work not directly
Title: Re: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: md001 on March 04, 2025, 09:29:35 PM
Same issue, but your "fix" is working.
Many thanks.

But why is there no update in the file, wich is available for download?

Maybe just another hint.. The list is shown again, but not really nice.
Is there also an option or fix to make it shown nice again? 😏

Title: Re: Pages gone after upgrade in backend
Post by: sternchen8875 on March 05, 2025, 02:22:31 AM
But why is there no update in the file, wich is available for download?

What are the expectations for such a fix or patch or even a new WB version? Honestly please...
I install it and expect this problem to be solved. But in the case of an overwritten Javascript file, this only works in the rarest of cases.
And what does the user do if such a fix doesn't work? Maybe he is angry and looks for alternatives. I would be....

In this particular case, this error only occurs very rarely, which is related to the browser type, the browser version, the structure of the page tree, the settings in the AdminTool JS-Admin, etc. So far there have been three such reports. I myself maintain 116 WB installations, most of them with this WB version, and have not had this problem.
In our tester group, all of them people who maintain WB sites themselves, this problem did not occur either. From my point of view, the best solution was to describe the cause as precisely as possible and to include clear repair instructions, because experience has shown that the chances of success are greater if you get involved yourself and follow the instructions. For example, I am sure that your shifted display of the page overview is purely a browser cache problem, because it is a simple HTML table construct that has been used in this way since WB 2.10. The solution would therefore be (as I described above)

its important, to clear the browser-cache after the correction. check also in a new browser, if its work not directly

Another point is a certain update fatigue among users. If you are not directly affected, like you or the TE, you may skip such a fix. A patch because of a single file, which could only cause problems in the per mille range, did not seem to be the optimal solution. It's been a good 6 weeks since the report and since then there has been further feedback on other things. It will certainly not take until December to release a new version

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