WebsiteBaker Community Forum
WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) => Modules => Topic started by: seanie_morris on January 22, 2024, 03:50:52 PM
I was using - well, trying out for the first time - the Form module on a website I am doing for myself, and the contact form submissions are not sending emails.
So, I tried the mpForm module, and I have the same problem!
I am using Chrome and Firefox, and I am trying it logged in, and as a guest. I am using a non-secured connection at the moment (HTTP, not HTTPS). Everything is in the root directory. The latest PHP version etc. are installed.
The submissions ARE being kept in the Admin backend, so I can see my test submissions.
Am I missing something?
Using mpForm, I found that I forgot to put in the destination email address in the "To" Address(es): box under E-Mail Settings (Mail to site owner), removing the defualt <SERVER_EMAIL> value in that box. :roll:
So, I have it working for mpForm, but not Form!
Use the Mail Debug Settings in advanced WB-options, section Mail Settings, to get more informations about the problem.
P.S.: Form && Mpform use the same method (wbmail() in class.wb.php)
In Settings, set SMTP Settings From your mail server, otherwise it will use phopmaile which will probably not work
Just for understanding:
Installed is
WebsiteBaker 2.13.5 r223 with
PHP 8.3 on a Linux server?
Just for understanding:
Installed is
WebsiteBaker 2.13.5 r223 with
PHP 8.3 on a Linux server?
Yep, that's correct.
In Settings, set SMTP Settings From your mail server, otherwise it will use phopmaile which will probably not work
This worked - switching from the PHP mailer to the SMTP option and entering the settings requested that I got from my host provider. I now receive the email, as does the sender, and a copy is on the website in the admin backend. Before this, only the copy in the admin backend was received.
This is because PHPmailer is marked as spam by the mail providers long time ago. It may be received but in Spam folder by some mail providers, but usually it is never received.
This is because PHPmailer is marked as spam by the mail providers long time ago. It may be received but in Spam folder by some mail providers, but usually it is never received.
This is absolute nonsense. I use PHPMail on many websites on many different hosting platforms and they all work fine.
sorry, but its not nonsens.
at first, we've to ask: did we talk about the basic php-function mail(), that use the sendmail()-function from the server?
next step: do you use the shortest way like this -> mail('', 'MySubject', $myMessage); or the extended function with additional header-informations with From..., Reply-toAdress, X-Mailer...
a lot of mailservers detect a send-mail as spam, if there are missing the FROM && Replay-Adress, other servers blocked the port 25 complete and so it is possible, that you can send a phpmail to me with success, but my mailserver detect it as spam
for example: i'm using the german provider Strato for any of my webprojects. With the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) the provider stops the simple php-mail and blocked the port 25, now, a couple of years later, i can use it again, if i use the additional headers.
at 1&1 (IONOS), another german provider, i can use only SMTP-Mail, but it looks, that it works only for the simple webspace-account and not for a webserver.
You must have slim or SMTP or both to work otherwise a lot of provuders filter mail , they go to spam or not at all. Thats my experience
only, to know it: slim is a alternate mailer like our phpmailer and use the swiftmailer?
the phpmailer from wb send with the setting "PHPMail" everything, what it need for a correct php-mail, means also the FROM-name and the return adress
WB use in the past also the swiftmailer in 2015 or 2016, but the swiftmailer was not fast enough for a important update