WebsiteBaker Community Forum
WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) => Modules => Topic started by: RonR on November 04, 2023, 10:52:06 AM
Just updated WB and the guestbook.
Guestbook v2.10.3 on WB-Version 2.13.4 r199 PHP8.1
Now, I am not a mathematician, but those easy calculations are doable, even for me!
Website baker disagrees everytime! Verification fails always.
I can set without captcha, but there is a risk its gets spammed.
Another thing is that also maybe caused by this captcha, it refers me to /pages/ while that directory is not accessable.
By the way, as the module gets slow on backend with over 2000 entries, I made a pagination system on the backend like there is on the frontend.
Any help appreciated.
Regards, Ron
attached Guestbook 2.10.4 wich works for me with the upcoming WB 2.13.5 PHP 8.2. Maybe it solves also your problem.
Please also test different captchas. You can change in WB-Backend under Admin-Tools, Captcha. I use the Secureimage Captcha wich works.
Thank you Matthias,
but I can not get it to work.
Whatever style captchas or guestbook version: Verification failed....
Been looking at the code:
if I turn off captcha, but enable ASP, the form gets a honeypot spam prevention....
For now, that will do...
Thank you.
honeypot-fields are only for robots and bot. the "trick" is: use renamed field in your form instead of the standard field names like name, email etc. So ASP will only work, ist a "guest" is a robot or bot
#1: to the captcha: every module for WB use the same captcha-solution, news-comments, form-module, guestbook or registration, everywhere the same captcha-method.
"For a good job", captcha need a working session and for that, it needs working path's on the server, to store the session path's.
#2: next point: with the form, doesn't matter, what kind of module it send's, captcha "produce" some special fields. if the script dont receive fields like this, it send's the verification-error, the same, if the script cannot found the admin-mail-adress from the sended form && and from the WB-settings
#3: some other things: in the past, i get from time to time problems on some special servers, specially, if i work in sub-domains or in sub-folders, in my case on strato-servers (a german provider). they use aliases for sub-domain and it was a problem there, to read the adresses like document-root, because, php sends the ral folder adress, not the alias. in the result, it cannot check the verification and my answer was wrong
things, to test:
if you want, try at first with another modul like form or news on a hidden or private page, must be the same result: Verification error
add the follow code in the index.php of the used frontend-template or (recommended) of the index.php from the DefaultTemplate for a test. Add this nearly to the <body>-Tag
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
Then add a private or hidden page, so that the test is not public. add on this page a guestbook-section. if you used thos code from the top in the DefaultTemplate, change the template in the page-setting from this added new page from standard (default) to DefaultTemplate. Your visitors see's the your real frontend-template and you test with the DefaultTemplate
Result is a long list of all session variables in the front. if you get now the error, after this test, search the page for the word "captcha". On windows-pc, use STRG + F, to activate this search
I test it by myself and now, i understand: i get this verification-error as js-popup
Problem from my view: the guestbook make's a short test after sending, like this in the file gstbk_page.php, Ln 67 ff
if (isset($_GET['captcha']) && $_GET['captcha'] =="true"){ ?>
alert( "<?php echo $MOD_GUESTBOOK['INCORRECT_VERIFICATION'] ?>" );
but the actual captcha-code send no field with the name "captcha", it send's a field, named the word "captcha" and the actual section-id, in my last picture captcha99 (nearly to the bottom)
if i make a "hardcode-fixing" and add my section-id to the function, it works - like this
if (isset($_GET['captcha99']) && $_GET['captcha99'] =="true"){ ?>
i remember, that WB has a captcha-field, named with "captcha" in the past and i'll check some other modules like mpform, form, news etc for a field like this,
but i wondering, why its work for matthias (ruebenwurzel) in the posted version
can confirm, that captcha didn't work with guestbook.
I use the guestbook only on one old private Page with captcha deactivatet. When i activate Captcha, Verification always fails.
Sorry for the wrong info in my post above. I hope on of the developpers can look to this old module. Would be nice if captcha could get to work.