WebsiteBaker Community Forum
WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) => Modules => Topic started by: apple on April 19, 2023, 10:40:43 PM
The minislider doesn't seem to be working. I managed to installed the module successfully, added my images and all necessary settings. The gallery only display the first image. The back and forward arrows are not working either. Nothing seem to be happening. Any idea what is going on? The php version? I am using php 8.1
You have installed this module (
The developer has replaced the module minislider with a new modul
Works for me with php8.1 and 8.2 without problems
I don't use minisliders, but i think it uses different scripts. If you us this modul together with Arcana-Template, maybe ther exists conflicts with the scripts used in this template. (different or double jquery, ...). If this is the case please let a specialist have a look to modul-scripts, template-scripts and the WB Output-Filter-Settings.
Hello, I am sure I understand what you mean by "let a specialist have a look to modul-scripts, template-scripts and the WB Output-Filter-Settings" Who would the specialist be? Where do I post the scripts for someone to view? Do you mean the template will have problem with every module I install?
Maybe it is enough to post the problem page url.
with specialist i mean that i couldn't help you in this things. As franky (dbs) posted, ask here in the forum, maybe there is a User who can help. Jquery, Javascript, ... is a very complex thing with complex dependencies. You need the understanding how the dependencies are and how WB works with the integration of those scripts.
As dbs has already written:
Sometimes it is enough to post the URL of the problem page here.
Sometimes you will have to send the access data of the website to a specialist as pm.
at the moment your requests are a lot of looking into the "crystal ball" as they say in germany.
Yeah, i know. That is the situation when working offline lol.
Thanks for replying. Have a good day.
I can send you an FTP access, to this server you transfer your website as *.zip including the database
and then I build your offline site in the test center.
Is this a possibility for you?
If so, please send me a pm with the email address for the access data.