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WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) => Bakery Shop => Topic started by: zirzy on October 29, 2019, 10:22:34 AM

Title: Shop email error
Post by: zirzy on October 29, 2019, 10:22:34 AM

I have error when changing shop email address. So when i change the email address to new one and press save, comes this error message:

Code: [Select]
Unknown column 'no_revocation' in 'field list'
..and old email address stays in the shop email field.

What to do?
Title: Re: Shop email error
Post by: jacobi22 on October 29, 2019, 11:06:02 AM
do you use an older Bakery version?

this field "no_revocation" was implementent in version 1.79
maybe, it helps, if you start the manuel upgrade under Addons -> Modules -> Advanced -> manuel Upgrade -> Choose Bakery - RUN

if i look into the code, its (for me) possible, that the script not work in MYSQL-STRICT-MODE - check the aktual MYSQL setting in wb-infowindow, search there for Database Client Version and post the information from there
Title: Re: Shop email error
Post by: zirzy on October 29, 2019, 11:27:55 AM
Hi jacobi22,

Thanks for fast reply.

Bakery version: 1.84

Is it this one(?):
Datenbank-Client Version: mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407

Do I have to update Bakery again?
Title: Re: Shop email error
Post by: jacobi22 on October 29, 2019, 11:38:22 AM
Sorry, my fault - i was in the Wrong line  :-(

this ist the Info about STRICT

Server-Version: 10.4.8-MariaDB [STRICT]

but, yes, manuel upgrade is the possible solution

if this will not help, you can add this field directly into the database - but try at first
Title: Re: Shop email error
Post by: jacobi22 on October 29, 2019, 11:54:47 AM
some additional info:

in bakery general settings, you have a settings for e-goods - yes or no (means: digitale products). for these article, there is no chance for a revocation when purchasing digital goods. if you select here "e-goods", it will show a checkbox in the frontend on the summary page to confirm, that you know: there is no revocation possible

in your case, the field for this setting is missing in database mod_bakery_general_ settings, because of this, you get the error everytime, when you try to save something in bakery general settings
Title: Re: Shop email error
Post by: zirzy on October 29, 2019, 12:30:00 PM
It is not strict mode:
Code: [Select]
Server-Version: 10.0.38-MariaDB-0+deb8u1
After manual upgrade it says that it (1.84) is already installed..

..or should I upload new bakery 1.84 files to modules and after that upgrade manually? I was wondering that why should I do that because there is 1.84 installed already?
Title: Re: Shop email error
Post by: jacobi22 on October 29, 2019, 12:56:18 PM
..or should I upload new bakery 1.84 files to modules and after that upgrade manually? I was wondering that why should I do that because there is 1.84 installed already?


is it possible for you, to take a look into the database or into the database backup file?

If yes, go to mod_bakery_general_settings - right place is directly behind the field "zip_location"

correct name of the new field is "no_revocation"

definition for this field: VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'e-goods'

from my view, the best solution is:
#1 change the version number of bakery in database Table _addons. Use 1.70 instead of 1.84
#2 start the manuell upgrade for bakery (Addons -> Modules -> Advanced -> manuel Upgrade -> Choose Bakery - RUN)
#3 check the "new" versionsnumber after the upgrade under Addons -> Module -> Details (must be 1.84 after the upgrade)

alternative solution
add the missing field directly in your database
# go into the database
# open table "mod_bakery_general_ settings"
# click on "Structure" in top menu of this table
# add one row (at the end of the table list), choose zip_location as field in the selectbox
# insert fieldname "no_revocation"
# select VARCHAR as field type
# insert 50 as field lenght
# select in the row "Standard" the option "defined as: "  (not sure, was it is in english)
# insert "e-goods" in the textfield

or use this code in the SQL-Codebox - be sure, that you use the correct table prefix (see red marked part)
ALTER TABLE wb_mod_bakery_general_settings ADD no_revocation VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'e-goods' AFTER zip_location

.or should I upload new bakery 1.84 files to modules and after that upgrade manually?
no, it will not help, because, you have the new version number 1.84 already in your database and the upgrade is only possible and will start only, if you have a older version

I was wondering that why should I do that because there is 1.84 installed already?

your error message say's: Unknown column 'no_revocation' in 'field list' - that means: the missing field was not added by a former upgrade.
It's not possible for me, to say, why the code from upgrade.php was not working in the past - one possible answer was the strict mode from mysql - maybe, it was on at this time, when you start the upgrade, but only hypothetic
in summary - the field is missing now and there is only one way to repair it (at the moment)
one other solution: waiting for the next upgrade
one other solution: writing a php-file with the upgrade-code and call it in the browser. With this solution, it's not needed to work in the database, the script do it for you

but there is no chance to repair it without some work in files or database. add the field in the database is the fasted solution