WebsiteBaker Community Forum

WebsiteBaker Support (2.12.x) => General Help & Support => Topic started by: fruszczante on March 04, 2019, 11:34:35 PM

Title: Another user login problem backend
Post by: fruszczante on March 04, 2019, 11:34:35 PM
Hi everybody.
When i create second user and add to administrator group, i have a problem. After logging in to the panel, I can not do anything. If I press the only one link to "my profile", then I log out.
I do not see any links.
The database seems to be fine in wb_user.

Any idea?
Thank You
Title: Re: Another user login problem backend
Post by: jacobi22 on March 04, 2019, 11:47:49 PM
No Problem - only some group permissions  ;-)

login as SuperAdmin, go to Group-Administration, select there the new added Group to edit the permissions
Scroll at first down on the next page and push the button "Advanced Settings". Then set as next step the settings in the top, like Pades Add, Pages Modify etc
and in the last step, select the modules, what you need in this group

if you need more help, ask again
Title: Re: Another user login problem backend
Post by: fruszczante on March 05, 2019, 12:03:44 AM
Thank you for your response.
I am adding a user to the Administrators group - it does not work.
I create a new group of users with full permission- does not work; /
Title: Re: Another user login problem backend
Post by: jacobi22 on March 05, 2019, 12:28:07 AM
have you change the group in the user settings?

Title: Re: Another user login problem backend
Post by: fruszczante on March 05, 2019, 12:36:51 AM
I tried to add to the Administrator group and to the newly created group with full permissions.

I do this thing (in oldest WB many times), and therwas no problem  :|
Title: Re: Another user login problem backend
Post by: jacobi22 on March 05, 2019, 12:59:34 AM
i test it again with the actual download-package - here step by step

#1 go to Access -> Groups
#2 add a new group or edit a existed group
#3 go down on this page and click on the button "Show Advanced Settings"
#4 add a group name for this group (only, if you add a new group)
#5 add the needed option's like this example here ->
#6 add also the needed modules like this example ->
#7 save this settings

#8 now go to "Manage Users" or "Access-> Users" and add a new User or edit existed user - for existed user select this from the list and click on the Modify-Button
#9 fill the form (for a new User)
#10 be sure, that you select the favorite group - here blue marked at the bottom - group = "Redakteur" ->

#11 go as administrator to the page overview and there to the page settings, where you want to give this group access for action's
#12 activate now the group to set the permission - see administrators on the right side ->
you have to activate this administrators for every single page, where you want to give access for other users

#13 now logout as admin and login as this (new) user and check the permission's


if you change something in this new added  group, are you sure, that the new settings are saved in the database? is it visible for you, that you have change something in this group, if you reload the group settings? (for example: if you de-select a option, maybe Pages-> Add, and you save the settings, is this option also de-selected after a reload?

the files for user- and group -administration and also for the permission-check are stored in the folders /admin and in /DefaultTheme - maybe, you can upload this folders again
Title: Re: Another user login problem backend
Post by: fruszczante on March 05, 2019, 01:15:38 AM
THank You for your time, but still is not good.
Look this:
Title: Re: Another user login problem backend
Post by: CodeALot on March 05, 2019, 02:00:44 AM
You have LOCKED your site. Nobody has admin access to pages, only you.
Click the padlock (yellow icon) and your problem is solved.
Title: Re: Another user login problem backend
Post by: fruszczante on March 05, 2019, 02:19:31 AM
thanks so much.
I thinking that only maintence off ;/
Thats why i dont understand why when i create new user (administrator group) - they cant do nothing.
Thanks a lot :)