WebsiteBaker Community Forum
General Community => Global WebsiteBaker 2.8.x discussion => Topic started by: apple on June 08, 2015, 06:46:52 PM
Can someone tell me what is happening to The live server has been down for several days now. Has it been hacked?
what about posting a note about it on / Twitter / Facebook?
It's unclear that the forum can be accessed already.
Tez Oner
What I am wondering about, is how the site went down in the first place, why it's taking so damn long to bring it back up again.
NOT that any of you need to justify your actions, or the time you can spend on this, but because we are all using the very same software. And if it's possible to bring a WB site to its knees in such a way that it takes weeks to repair it, that's a reason for concern, I'd say.
there is no reason to come into worries... ;-)
It's definitely not on WB that our HP is destroyed.
The current problem was a follow up of the desaster in end of last year. Our server was hacked and from this a lot of files was infected by maleware.
We cleaned the installation (so we thought) and moved it to a brand new server. Unfortunately it seams we forgot one or two files to clean and these files comes to the new server also. :(
After about 6 month the malware awakes and has started to infect other files again. The result... server down because it starts to attack other servers.
I'm not willing to go into any risk, so right now we are setting up a complete new installation of the HP with 2.8.4rev.2124. On other hand we are on to complete the 2.8.4final.. so we can't spend too much time for the HP at the moment.
But be sure... will be online soon again.
there is no reason to come into worries... ;-)
It's definitely not on WB that our HP is destroyed.
The current problem was a follow up of the desaster in end of last year. Our server was hacked and from this a lot of files was infected by maleware.
We cleaned the installation (so we thought) and moved it to a brand new server. Unfortunately it seams we forgot one or two files to clean and these files comes to the new server also. :(
After about 6 month the malware awakes and has started to infect other files again. The result... server down because it starts to attack other servers.
I'm not willing to go into any risk, so right now we are setting up a complete new installation of the HP with 2.8.4rev.2124. On other hand we are on to complete the 2.8.4final.. so we can't spend too much time for the HP at the moment.
But be sure... will be online soon again.
Hey Manuela,
Before you release v2.8.4, please have a look at this:,28383.0.html
Also, is there a download link available for us to test the latest version?
there is no official current DL for the 2.8.4. We change it every day multiple times. ;-)
And no.. we don't release only so... first we will publish an RC for public testing before we go to final state 3-4 weeks later.
Ok, good to know.
Malware is an eval thing. And effected servers are very malicious too. Fighting aggainst it is a hard work and the engagement aggainst it is a very honourable work and sholud be complimented:
Thank you for your engagement.
But as times goes by there grows some questions:
After a month (or is it more now?) indeed to me seems that there are reasons grow to come in worry!!!
there is no reason to come into worries...
so we can't spend too much time for the HP at the moment.
Do I understand this official statement right that bringing back an official WB Homepage does not coll to the most importants tasks after such an accident?
Please be aware: WB is not only used to build little cub-, school- or private-pages or a little private project. Some of the users here work with WB in a professional way and build professional projects with it. And for this they have to present and sell the CMS to their customers who whants to know something official about the system compare WB with other CMS-Systems which are offered by other competitors.
To express, that an official WB page has no primary status for the WB Management AND let the situation go for such a long(!) time to me sounds like a statement, that the needs of professional users of WB seems not to be really important?
As I cannot believe that this is the position of the WB Leadership I like to ask for some information:
- Please correct me, if I did get the information of the official statement wrong?!!!
- In the meantime should be happened a lot. Up to what time do you think will the or a little basic homepage be back?
- Do you have really(!) no backup (maybe from the time before the first infection startet) which could make a fast restart possible. The WB homepage is a very static page, so that the changes of content does not should be the problem and added with really few work.
- Or if you whant really to create all things new(????) do you have really not strategy to start with a basic page? Not all information needs to be on the page on the first time. (A CMS really does not need to many pages for a custom representation.)
Once more thank you for your engagement in such a difficult situation and a short update to the project.
Malware is an eval thing. And effected servers are very malicious too. Fighting aggainst it is a hard work and the engagement aggainst it is a very honourable work and sholud be complimented:
Thank you for your engagement.
- Do you have really(!) no backup (maybe from the time before the first infection startet) which could make a fast restart possible. The WB homepage is a very static page, so that the changes of content does not should be the problem and added with really few work.
Sure, we have backups.... but unfortunately no one which is not infected too. :?
The first, undiscovered, infection goes back more then 9 month.
From this we decide to set up the page completely new from scratch and am hopeful that is really soon.
The highest priority was to bring up the forum again and the Wiki, which already contains a lot of help and hints for developers.
Right now we work on upgrading the forum by exchange the whole php code to make sure there is no more malicious code.
Guess i must not explain, that the whole server also is complete set up new and got some additional protections.
… the whole server also is complete set up new and got some additional protections
Yes. All these things needs time. Even if there is obviously no longtime update strategy there is a lot of work.
One more THANK YOU for this.
But do I get it right:
Your first priority after bringing back the forum is/was to restore the wiki for a future version? A wiki which has unlike to your statement is not done for and even DOES NOT help the developers working with most actual version 2.8.3 with brandnew service pack.
And all over the nearly 6 weeks now (I had a closer look to the timing) there was no thought about a LITTLE OFFICIAL Information or interims presentation for interested users (maybe customers/companies) who think about working with WB in an professional context and would like to inform themselves about this CMS System?
(Once more: please correct me if I did understand the things wrong!)
Are you aware?
Are you aware that nevertheless of the unmissable descent of the project here are some last professional users who hope (and maybe believe?) on a future of WB and still work with the system in a professional context competing with other systems? Are you aware that they have to compete with the system against others competitors and their customers wants to inform themselves about the product they offer? And are you still aware that they need at least a little official presentation in the meantime you need to go the long way doing all the things complete new as you decided to do it (which is not to criticize)?
Let’s say it this way:
A malicious server is not funny and the engagement to restore a system in such a situation needs to be appreciated!!! But prioritize working on future ideas instead of solving task of the present in this circumstances is not a funny situation and even not a personal hobby …
Request and suggestion:
Easy done interims representation for WB
So the professionals can work and the WB management get enough time to work on the problems
Working on malicious servers in some situations (even bigger projects) needs some longer time! This is not an unknown situation for webprojects. The first target of typical project management in this situation is to create a minimum platform so the daily business can go on and the management team wins enough time to restore the project or to create a complete new building.
In this context once more: Thx for the fast bringing back a working version of the forum. The polite request now after six weeks is to solve the task 'presentation' too.
Concrete and constructive Suggestion:
Quick setup a very reduced(!!) interims page with maybe four or six subpages:
>>> Home
Short Descriptions with features list
Little information box to the situation and mention
>>> Download
Overview about the actual downloads with links
Information to the License
Just a short text and link to the forum
>>> Organisation
Background Information to the Creators
Tipps for a fast and limited work
This should be done in about half a day (4 hours).
Take a tested working system:
WB 2.8.3 SP1-4 will do this job and is proofed
There is no need to take unproofed future versions.
Only English language:
No need for multiple languages for a fast interims page!
No special features like news needed:
The three or four news you need on the homepage (or maybe on an additional page to report about the positive progress of your restoring page) can be done in hardcoded newsboxes/segments …
Take most contents from the original page. If you are indeed not able to extract it from you backups take the link and just copy the text: (
or have a look to other versions: (
If the original template indeed is too complicate for you take an easy interims template where you have to adapt one colour and only to add your Logo.
A lot of WB prepared templates can be found here: ( (
And maybe there will be a little special adaption support for this special case.
If you don’t like the people behind the templates so you don’t want to work together with them take one html template from here: (
WB is an easy system so you can use the html templates only with integrate menu- and content-tag and preparing the links for the css-/js-files. If you would prefer to take a template from there and 20 to 50 Euros is too much investment for the project I offer to support this special step with 20 Euro. And maybe there are some other users who will spend a similar amount.
If you want to do the presentation a little bit nicer and spend one hour more:
Take the Slider from original page. I am sure: even as you don’t have a backup you will find a way to extract the files and pictures from the originally page without(!) malicious code. Depending on the template you will choose a slider is integrated to the template so you only will need the pictures.
The result for the community and the WB management
The community and even the professional user can work on this base and will spend a great thx to your management.
YOU will get a lot of time for your very personal(!) way of working on restoring, new creating or whatever your personals ideas for WB presentation or the WB future are.
So: all positive!!!
But the polite request and the urgent appeal is:
Do something for the project presentation and don’t let the professional users stand alone in the rain for such a long time.
[LIKE] +1
Hello guys,
There are lots of broken links. For example:
Module Repository, Admin Tools and Code Snippets all return "Not Found
The requested document was not found on this server. Web Server at addon.WebsiteBaker. org "
The repository is also down:
DV returned from hospital this week. Give her some time to settle in again at home. The issue with the addons repo is known (and I think most of the other links as well). One user has cloned all modules from the repo and put them on github in the meantime: (and he even has updated some of them on github in the meantime). It's not a lucky situation, but that's how it is at the moment. I have already proposed to put that link on the official web page, as a workaround, until the technical difficulties of the repo are solved.
On the site of the Community Edition, there is a working Add-On Repository.
the "official" addons repo maintained by luisehahne has been moved here and darkviper has inserted a link to that page. I think the plan is to move it back to the domain
the "official" addons repo maintained by luisehahne has been moved here and darkviper has inserted a link to that page. I think the plan is to move it back to the domain
Correct. As soon as the wB283 SP5 is ready to publish.
By the way,
the documentation for WB 2.8.3 is back, too (see the menu link above).
DarkViper has provided me a backup of the old pages and I have manually restored them on a fresh WB installation in August if I'm not mistaken.