WebsiteBaker Community Forum
General Community => Global WebsiteBaker 2.8.x discussion => Topic started by: DarkViper on October 23, 2009, 02:58:44 PM
This patch / fix prevents from concurrent editing and saving pages if more then one author works in the backend.
It's really easy to implement and doesn't touch the logic of any other function from WB.
Features: - possible to switch on/off the locking in backend
- Locking lifetime is setable to your own needs
ATTENTION: This is NOT a official feature of WB. Future Updates of WB will not take care for this modification. There is NO support by WB-Teams.
How to install:
- extract the zip-file.
- upload all folders and the activate_patch.php to your server(overwrite-mode).
- call the activate_patch.php (delete this after).
- go to backend->advanced options and enable page locking.
- done.
tested and works for wb 2.8.1 (but on your own risk)
works also for wb-portable.
a little piece of hope: There is already a open Ticket #824 ( for this.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
This is very interesting..
Who can lock/ unlock page ?
you can do.. :-D
every time you open a page in editor, this page will be locked for all others authors.
if you close the editor, the lock will be removed.
in case of a crashed browser, system down ... the lock released after a scalable time. Also if you open another page to edit..
Nice patch but to late to test today. But I tell you tomorrow.
CU Moritz
good idea this patch.
a first try at wb 2.8.1 rc3 works fine. :-)
good job!
should be a feature in the official wb-version...
edit: - copy&paste from a pdf is not easy to use (line-numbers).
- a error is in the ./admin/settings/index.php with :
I also agree that this sould be an option. Thisi is simple, If I am author, turn on/of editing..
But I would add that only Group 1 - Main administrator group can unlock it..
I also agree that this sould be an option. Thisi is simple, If I am author, turn on/of editing..
But I would add that only Group 1 - Main administrator group can unlock it..
No.. nobody can lock or unlock a page manually. It works unintended in Background.
You can switch on/off the functionality itself and set the timeout for autorelease locks.
maybe the new zip as attchment for the ticket? ;-)
This sounds interesting, has anyone fully tested it on a 2.8.1 installation?
So is it safe to implement it in a standard installation?
Perhaps an idea: Combine this feature with in the next WB major version. :wink:
Yours Michael
@bramus: tested on standard wb2.8.1 installation and also with last wb-portable2.8.1.
don't try it for wb2.8.0, the files are to different.
you should make a copy of your live-installation and run this with wb-portable, than try the page_locking-snippet.
@waldschwein: maybe, but these are 2 different things.
both should be parts of next standard-wb. :-)