WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

css sub menus



I'm trying to create dhtml-like menus using css.

This is the screenshot of how it works when I test this on my computer

The code used here is this;

--- Code: ---      <ul id="pmenu">
        <li><a href="#nogo">top leve;</a>
              <li><a href="#nogo">Sub Level 1a</a></li>                 
--- End code ---

When I use the following code instead of the <a href="#">link</a> it doesn't work.

--- Code: ---<ul id="pmenu">
        <li><?php show_menu(1,0,1); ?>
              <li><?php show_menu(1,1,1); ?></li>                 

--- End code ---

What am I doing wrong here?

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

You should only make your menu call once...not twice. This will return your complete menu structure for SEO purposes but allow you to style the menu with CSS. You'll want to use the HOVER attribute and toggle the display from none to either block or inline depending on your needs. Check the "All CSS 2" template in the ADDONS to better understand CSS menus.

Thanks I will check out the templates


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