WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

New Template - Odinneke V4 (World of Warcraft)



I just ported a World of Warcraft template because some people are interested in.
It is the Odinneke v4 template, original for WordPress.
It should validate CSS2.1 and XHTML1.0 Transitional, includes Search (but due to design no login box).

It requires ShowMenu2 (this is integrated in WB2.7.x)! It uses a drop-down menu.

The license is GPL, as stated in the comment of the official CSS:

--- Quote ---The CSS, XHTML and design is released under GPL:
--- End quote ---

The website of the ported template is:

There are two packages available: (~230kb): The WB template. Just install it and activate as normal. A screenshot is included. (~1380kb): A design package with .psd file, font art and some additional images like an alternative background. It has to be unzipped on your PC (not install in WB!), then use the data as you wish (of course with respecting GPL).

I hope you will like it. If there are problems/wishes, just write them.  8-)

EDIT: Here is a demo-WB-installation with this template:

Regards Michael

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

Hi ... nice but the headers and backgroundimages to big (150kb)
mgf escpro

Hello escpro!

Thanks for your comment, the images were really too big.
I decreased its size now (from 625kb to 230kb, the image folder "only" 85kb, less I think is not really possible).

I haven't touched the "odin_v4_wb_customiz" one, the images in it are completely unchanged and also contain the unconverted images from the template as before.

Regards Michael

Edit: Also found two bugs that produced 5 XHTML validation errors. Now it really validates. For all that have downloaded - please update your template.


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