WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Flash Images

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Re the mentioned piece of code, just copy it from here and paste it in your template as mentioned above. Or try another template and see how it goes.

Does your ie show flash in other websites?

Yes, only in WB I have problem :(

I had problems with adding Flash with Flash generated code. I place mine swf in the template folder and used the simple Fckeditor Insert Flash generated code

--- Code: ---<embed width="940" height="717" menu="false" loop="true" play="true" src="" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>    

--- End code ---

and it worked. Not sure if this helps.

I just now inserted a flash menu to my index page and here's how...

You will need to open whatever template file you are using for your will then edit the index.php

The <div> that want the flash image/menu to go you will place:

<embed src="<?=TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/folderlocationofswf/nameofflash.swf" width="696" height="364" />

It worked for me! Thrilled that it did...thought it was going to be much harder than that.

If you want to see what I did: www.lilmisskaties.c om/wb/pages/big-idea.php

Hope that was helpful.

Lil Miss


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