WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Flash Images

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Hi all,

I have been looking through the pages and it seems no one else has had an issue so I will probably look really stupid. My knowledge is limited but I have installed ok, changed images to suit, but want to change a heading image to flash, I have done it and pointed to an .swf but it doesn't display at the front end, I have created other versions. flv and nothing shows. .gif and .jpg not a problem even .png.
Any suggestions.


check the pathes.
best way is, you put your swf file into the template folder.

then you need to set a path like:
src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/your_file_name.swf"



--- Quote from: Stefek on May 06, 2008, 05:23:50 PM ---check the pathes.
best way is, you put your swf file into the template folder.

then you need to set a path like:
src="<?php echo TEMPLATE_DIR; ?>/your_file_name.swf"


--- End quote ---
Thanks Stefek, sadly no luck, I have tried just loading my .swf image into media nd placing it, that doesn't work.
So for some reason WB cannot identify, I have looked through all files and folders, in the hope of seeing a permission, line with .jpg .gif .png but can't. Any further tips would be welcome.


First upload your flash file to your media library, then go to your admin settings page and enter your flash code in the "Website Header:" box similar to:

<embed src="../media/YourFlashFile.swf" width="400" height="80" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" play="true" loop="true" menu="true"></embed>

Adjust height & width & point to correct flash file.

Then open your template's index.php file and find the following code somewhere on the top:

// this allows to add custom information to the head section of your template (WB-->Settings-->Website Header)

Then move this code where you want your flash to appear in your template. You will probably have to further edit your template file (index.php file) to position your flash properly.

Hope it helps.


--- Quote from: hrioo on May 08, 2008, 06:50:28 PM ---First upload your flash file to your media library, then go to your admin settings page and enter your flash code in the "Website Header:" box similar to:

Then open your template's index.php file and find the following code somewhere on the top:

// this allows to add custom information to the head section of your template (WB-->Settings-->Website Header)

--- End quote ---

I cant see that line on my template. I can only read my flagh file on Firefox but not IE. Please help. Thanks.


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