WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Small problem with Flash intro page

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I put a Flash intro page and it seems to have sporadic problems with the links. Sometimes I go and if I click on the links the up, over and down button states work but they do not call the url. If I press the 'skip' link and go right to the main page, then click back to the intro it now works. It works most of the time but does this every so often. Has anyone had similar problems or can give me a clue what it might be? I used WB to generate the Flash embed code as the Flash generated code didn't work right.

Ok. I finally noticed something wierd. Not sure why this happens (anyone else try the site?) but on my pc using firefox, if I got to I have the problem I mentioned. When I go forward to the home page and click the link back to the intro it dawned on me that I was going directly to So I cleared the cache and went directly to and it works fine every time I tried it. The problem seems to be in whatever happens when I type and it is forwarded to the intro at

Can anyone offer a suggestion?

Helllooo anyone out thereeee?! ;) I seem to have solved it on my own but for the sake of anyone else with the problem. I deleted the intro page I had created via the admin and just posted a non-template intro page in the pages folder. Seems to work fine. I guess I'll just have to manually edit that one but don't expect it to change much.

Arrgghhhh... the problem still exists. As mentioned, no prob if I link to but going to the links don't work -even though this redirects to Please, any ideas what this could be?

PS. Now I note that the problem is specifically if I go to and not if I omit the www

Does anyone else note this problem? If not maybe it is one of these virus/spyware/xss blocker things I got going. Even if you don't know the answer can you please let me know if you at least observe the behavior in Firefox?

Sorry to be a pest but I haven't found an answer. I understand you may not know but can someone at least confirm that they get the same behavior? Thanks.


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