WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Template Discussion

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sorry for my bad englisch, i will do my best.

If you wonder, why i mark some templates as not free, look at this Screenshot

ruebenwurzel decided to delet this thread, after I wrote him:

The Topic for this part was like:
Discuss templates (ideas, problems, ...)

now he had changed it to:
Discuss FREE templates (ideas, etc.)

okay, it has changed again...
but that was the reason....


Hello Macros!

To clarify things: I was not very active the last weeks here so sorry for that.

We will release soon forum rules, that are real rules that clarify this "problems". But therefore not every action of a moderator or admin should be discussed openly, contact him if you don't like the idea.

Regards Michael

Edit: I will not delete every CC template that is in fact free. But I will delete all your comments that say that they are CC.
CC = Creative Commons licence. I know that CC is not GPL, but it is free downloadable. So you can't compare at all CC and a "pay me, then you get it" license.


Lonesome Walker:
Unfortunately, I already did, but ruebenwurzel decided to do things his own way.


I have contactet him some time ago...

no answer, this is just enough, he want to play, so let us play....



Edit: I will not delete every CC template that is in fact free. But I will delete all your comments that say that they are CC.
CC = Creative Commons licence. I know that CC is not GPL, but it is free downloadable. So you can't compare at all CC and a "pay me, then you get it" license.

Remember: He is moderator, you are no moderator. So we won't let you play what you want.

Regards Michael


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