WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Date on Form & Menu Question

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How do I make an input date (date - month - year) select box in one line on forms ?

Also, if i have a parent menu with it's childs, when i clicked on the parent menu, i only want to  see the childs menu without refreshing page, is that possible? What I did is make a blank page on the parent, but this is ridiculous, since it only show blank page only to see child menu.

Just a stupid question, this emoticon :mrgreen: what tha heck is this?  :-D


1.)There is no builtin function for a Date in the form modul. But you can try it to make with three dropdown fields. One for the day (1 - 31), one for the month (1-12 or monthnames), one for the year (2008, 2009, .....).

2.)This can be done with the Menu-Link modul. Simply change the type of parent page from WYSIWYG to Menu-Link and choose as target the child page. (If you use WB 2.6.7, the menu-link is buggy, so we recommand to upgrade to WB 2.7)


Thx for the reply.

But if i did what you told me, if i click the parent child, it'll  open the child.

Menu A
   Menu Child 1
   Menu Child 2
   Menu Child 3

What i want is, when i click Menu A, only  opening Menus let the user choose the option of Child Menu, not seeing the blank page of Menu A or Menu link target child page. What you told me is as if i clicked on say Menu Child 1. Is that possible?

About date on forms, I guess I have to modified myself, and upload it here if I'm finished.

Y. Shaka


don't undersrtand really what you want. Is it

1.) if you click on Menu A, menu A page has a content and you only wanna see the Child pages in the menu? Then this can be done with adapting the menu call. Read our docu on the help page for the Parameters.

2.) if you click on Menu A and Menu A should be a page without content then the above menu-link solution should be you choice. But as "no content" could not be diplayed you see the menu-child1 (or whatever page as target you hav choosen) as content in the frontend.



--- Quote from: ruebenwurzel on April 21, 2008, 07:01:10 AM ---Hello,

don't undersrtand really what you want. Is it

1.) if you click on Menu A, menu A page has a content and you only wanna see the Child pages in the menu? Then this can be done with adapting the menu call. Read our docu on the help page for the Parameters.

--- End quote ---

Menu A doesn't have a content, but has child pages. Let say a user is navigating from Menu B (same level with Menu A and have a content). When a user click on Menu A (which doesn't have a content) is only seeing page from menu B and opening child pages of Menu A. Is that possible. I have a menutree which behave like that, but have not time to implement it on WB... :D

Y. Shaka


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