WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Create footer menu?



I'm working on a project which is a multilanguage site which has a horizontal drop down menu. I would like to have a horizontal footer menu too for each language.

1st I tried the usual way to implement 2 menu structures into the template but this does not work well (I think because of the multilanguage)?

2nd I thought the easiest way would be to show the hidden pages from each language container in the footer with the show_menu2. But this does not work for me right now :(

Is there a 3rd way what could make this possible?

3rd: harcode / hack frontend.functions. php the footer part something like this:

<a href="';
if(LANGUAGE == "NL"){ echo "site_nl/whatever.php"; }else{ /* English */  echo "site_uk/whatever.php"; }
echo '" target="_top">whatever</a>   
<a href="';
        echo str_replace($vars, $values, WEBSITE_FOOTER);

downpart: update WB and it will be lost...
insert it into CMS backend footer will not parse the code.. so you have to hack frontend.fucntions. php


there is no need for changing any core files to get a footer menu. This is realizable with a simple call of show_menu2 (or show_menu) and the needed css styles.

As knert didn't get any menu working (if you read his other threads) there seems to be a server misskonfiguration issue or his pages tree structure in combination with the menu calls and the css seems to be the problem.


@ruebenwurzel: true, but i was lazy, and for the site I used it on I had multiple skin's and didn't wanted to update al the skins. anyways..

@ Grid and Matthias,

thank you for your answers.

@ matthias: I'm working on a server with PHP V5.0.22 and Safe_Mode disabled. I don't think (but I could be wrong of course) that the serverconfiguration is the issue in my case. If it is than I would be very happy to be notified about what could cause my problem. But now I'm gliding off this topic.

I work on several projects at the same time. A few minutes ago I added on a single-language project a horizontal footer menu (SM2) and this works like a charm.

Thanks for your help anyway regarding the footer issue.


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