WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Template with top and side menu but independant each other

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--- Quote from: midiweb on March 07, 2008, 11:40:36 PM ---But why is it called "footer" when the items are at the head, why not "Header"

--- End quote ---

I am pretty sure the .footer part was originally meant for the footer. Not for the menu's.
You are using the "simple" template. That one has no horizontal menu in it's CSS.

Try to install (and activate) the template I suggested, and modify that one to start with.

Add in the info.php these two lines:

--- Code: ---$menu[1]    = 'Main navigation';
$menu[2]    = 'Top navigation';
--- End code ---
(don't forget to set the "multiple menus" in the advanced settings page)

Modify in index.php line 55 from

--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_CURR+1); ?>
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(2,0,1); ?>
--- End code ---
And you might see some result you like.



Thanks. I made the changes but I got the error message:

--- Code: ---Fatal error: Call to undefined function show_menu2() in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/wb/templates/industry1/index.php on line 55
--- End code ---

Do you have show_menu2 installed? If not, install it from the addon library.

I installed the templates "industry1".
The index.php shows:
--- Code: ---<?php show_menu(1,0,1,true,&#39;<li><span[class]>[a][menu_title] [/a]</span>&#39;,&#39;</li>&#39;,&#39;<ul id="nav">&#39;); ?>
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(2,0,1); ?>
--- End code ---

I don't find the module  show_menu2 in  the library.

The page ist not entirely displayed but only the half!

When I change    
--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(2,0,1); ?>
--- End code ---
--- Code: ---<?php show_menu(2,0,1); ?>
--- End code ---
, the whole page is dsplayed but the top menu is highlighted with grey background.

And the error message is not there yet. Something is bugged is this template or in WebsiteBaker.



install the code snippet show_menu2 from the WB Addons repository. Then try again.

Regards Christian


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