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A students personal website


For now, I'm working on my personal website, which is located here:

I used the CSSHover Template and changed the colors and some minor things.

It is strongly under development, so there are still many things missing ;) But I see progress ;)

@ phil: Very nicely done. The color contrast of your website is nicely done. What you could also do is to move the W3C buttons in the footer. According to my opinion they should fit in that <div>


--- Quote from: Woudloper ---@ phil: Very nicely done. The color contrast of your website is nicely done. What you could also do is to move the W3C buttons in the footer. According to my opinion they should fit in that <div>
--- End quote ---

I tried to, but if they were aligned correct, the background of the surrounding div was gone... atm I have no clue how to fix that


--- Quote from: phil ---I tried to, but if they were aligned correct, the background of the surrounding div was gone... atm I have no clue how to fix that
--- End quote ---

Just wanted to take a look into your source, but saw that you already solved the displaying of the W3c buttons in the footer.

Furthermore the page is a bit empty, but I think you will fill this later on. Another remark I have is about the 'forget details' section. When you view that page you will notice that the layout is not really nice. I saw that this has to do with the fact that this page 'forgot_form.php' is being inserted hardcoded and not by using database settings (so it is maintainable via the admin console).

When viewing the source of that page I also noticed that the following was mentioned in the source:
--- Code: ---<input type="hidden" name="url" value="{URL}" />
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---<tr style="display: {DISPLAY_FORM}">
--- End code ---

The stuff between the { brackets } should not be showed in the source in my opinion. Maybe this is a WB Bug, but I don't know that for sure...


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