WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Menu link as home page


It seems that WB doesn't like it if the first page in its structure is a menu link page, rather than a WB page.

For the home page of a site, I need to use a page which isn't actually in WB. It's a WordPress page, though the WordPress page does in fact call up WB's menus - it calls up config.php, framework/class.frontend.php and so on.

Instead, WB displays some sort of intro page with a message saying "To see the site click here".


activate the intro page feautre via the WB backend. Then upload a page called intro.php which contains a PHP redirection to whatever page you want and try again. Search the forum for the PHP redirection code.

Regards Christian


--- Quote from: doc on January 11, 2008, 10:08:21 AM ---activate the intro page feautre via the WB backend. Then upload a page called intro.php which contains a PHP redirection to whatever page you want and try again. Search the forum for the PHP redirection code.
--- End quote ---

Thanks, I tried that - however, it seems that the code which handles intro pages assumes that the destination page will be in a /pages directory (it looks for for /pages/intro.php), whereas I'm not using one. But I could be wrong about this.

I guess I could just create /pages/into.php, but it seems like a messy solution.



create a intro.php (locally on your computer) with the following content:

--- Code: ---<?php 
// redirect to English introduction page
--- End code ---

Upload it via FTP and check if it works.

Regards Christian


--- Quote ---it seems that the code which handles intro pages assumes that the destination page will be in a /pages directory
--- End quote ---

du musst die intro.php natürlich per ftp ins /pages Verzeichnis laden, nirgendwo sonst hin.



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