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Site in progress


this one isnt fully done yet, but ill show it to you anyway ;)

its for a freelance art-/creative director.
Theres still lot of content to fill in, legal stuff missing etc.
im very curious what you think.

oh and btw.:

on the portfolio pages (arbeiten) i have a problem. i plan to make the follow up pages with hidden pages ( every work has 1-5 different pictures, wich should be reachable via the arrows. a click-through-gallery). when i click at the arrows, the menu looses the id="current" (because the next pic is on a hidden page). is there a way to circumvent that? or to keep the id="current" on the last visible link? without using iframes?


Found another one without comment...

Your website looks very nice. A good design for such a company. The only suggestion I have is to not use CAPS in the title of the website.

Regarding the menu thing there is another thread in the forum about this. It can be found in either the General Support forum or in the Modules forum...

thx ;)

this thread is a bit older than the other (wich i started as well  :lol:  :lol: )

about the design: the design isnt done by me - im merly doing the site programming. the site will go officilay online i a few days btw.

mmmh why haven't i spotted it  :?

Site looks good, in IE, but in Firefox it is a real mess... btw good color scheme

it should be a real mess right now, cause i m reprogramming the start- template  ;)
my customer wants the text to be dynamic and i use sIFR (really messy to position since its buggy with position:absolute)


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