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Dutch site:
Thanks for providing Sunset, it's a great theme and it was very easy to adopt it to what I had in mind.
En wat de dames betreft. De eerste foto die je ziet, is mijn vrouw (de foto met 'letters' over haar gezicht, net als de twee eerste foto's onder het kopje Art.
De andere dames (drie zover), zijn vriendinnen van ons.
The intropage is there for copyright reasons only.
Maybe the news headers are a little bit hard to read... though not that hard right ?
A lot of sites I visit make the same mistake; the site itself screaming for attention by using bright flashy colors, moving banners etc. that way drawing the attention from the content.
So I choose a color palette with subtle colors.
Ofcourse if the color itself prevends the content from being clear, I'm missing my own point :mrgreen:
Profi site, very well done! It shows again the flexibility of WSB. Personally I find the colors a bit too dark and gloomy, and dark grey text on a light grey background is not easy to read. But hey, it's all a matter of personal taste :-)
Anyway, good job. Good luck with your business.
Nicely done Ron. Nice modification of the template as well.
Thanks all! :D
great site--I love it and the creativity behind it. I was wondering what you used for the photography pages--with the big pic and the small thumbs to the right. That was really cool.
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