WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Bakery Shop

Bakery: Small Shop Module (ORIGINAL TOPIC)

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Hi Rick

--- Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on November 28, 2007, 05:25:09 PM ---1) When I click "In den Warenkorb/Order" I get a "Not Found" error -> "The requested URL /b2b/pages.php was not found on this server"... However the shop URL looks like ".../b2b/pages/de/e-shop.php" (P.S: I have a multilingual site)

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Make sure the "Proceed Shopping URL" in the page settings points to a Bakery page or at least a page containing a Bakery section otherwise Bakery will not work!
Read more about on the Bakery Website.

Thanks for testing and your remark about VAT.



Thx, it works now!

I think it is an excellent piece of software. If you have a "list of wishes" I'd like to add mine:

* Associate VAT to the single products...
* Within a checkout process (Let's say I am in step 3) I'd like to go back to step 1 -> Idea, implement the 1,2,3 steps/numbers as links...
* Make the "Vorauszahlung" option configurable. In my case, I do bill my customers (the bill is sent together with the products) -> Idea, make the text you display in checkout step 3 configurable...
* Sequence number as "Bestellnummer": This is a small issue. It just gives an idea to customers how well your sales are going (If in 6 months the number changes from 1 to 4 that might not be that great) -> Idea, keep the number you have for internal purposes (customer will not see it). Then add a new one = timestamp for example for the customers bestellnummer...
* In my case the e-shop is "for members only". I therefore know who is logged in and there is no need to fill in a shipping address, etc... (I already asked this question some month ago and you told me what files need to be changed). I know this is asking too much but what would be amazing is if it would be possible to associate a shipping address to a WB user. Then when checking out the logged-in user would jump directly to step 2 showing the adress (that the user can still modify if he'd like)...
P.S: Well, I do also understand that adding more and more features might increase complexity for you as programmer but also for the administrators... One of the main thing of WB is its simplicity :)

Thx & cheers,


I didn't use or test this module but is there a possibility to choose between a size (for t-shirts like XS, S, M, L, XL) and/or a color?
Sorry if this is a stupid question  :|


Hi I want to use this for a few products. Is there any way I could include the last 5 added products to display on another page e.g: Home Page




--- Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on November 28, 2007, 07:22:36 PM ---
* Associate VAT to the single products...
* Within a checkout process (Let's say I am in step 3) I'd like to go back to step 1 -> Idea, implement the 1,2,3 steps/numbers as links...
* Sequence number as "Bestellnummer": This is a small issue. It just gives an idea to customers how well your sales are going (If in 6 months the number changes from 1 to 4 that might not be that great) -> Idea, keep the number you have for internal purposes (customer will not see it). Then add a new one = timestamp for example for the customers bestellnummer...
* In my case the e-shop is "for members only". I therefore know who is logged in and there is no need to fill in a shipping address, etc... (I already asked this question some month ago and you told me what files need to be changed). I know this is asking too much but what would be amazing is if it would be possible to associate a shipping address to a WB user. Then when checking out the logged-in user would jump directly to step 2 showing the adress (that the user can still modify if he'd like)...
--- End quote ---

Hi Rick

Thanks for your feedback and this elaborated list! The ideas are good but I dont know if I will have the time to consider them...
No doubt, the list of wishes is without limits... Due to this fact most common e-commerce solutions are huge. Bakery is a small shop, and as you said yourself...

--- Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on November 28, 2007, 07:22:36 PM ---One of the main thing of WB is its simplicity :)

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--- Quote from: rickieleejones2000 on November 28, 2007, 07:22:36 PM ---
* Make the "Vorauszahlung" option configurable. In my case, I do bill my customers (the bill is sent together with the products) -> Idea, make the text you display in checkout step 3 configurable...
--- End quote ---

At least you can modify this in the bakery/languages/DE.php (or EN.php) file on about line 178. Look for the vars:


For every item you can set a different item option (eg. colour) and unlimited option attributes (eg. red, green, blue...).
Read more about on the Bakery Website.


You can use a snippet called Anyitems by Jan (Seagull) to show products of a specified section on another page.

But if you want to show the last 5 products you have to do some coding. Anyitems is a good file to start from...


* Bakery v0.6.1 requires Anyitems v0.1
* Bakery v0.7 requires Anyitems v0.2

Download from the Bakery Website.


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