WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

New template: Multiflex-3

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OK, thanks for the clarification.
And let me restate that the technical info in the answers above was right on, and immediately got me on the right track to be productive again.

Hey xyloweb, I didn't mean to be harsh either. Welcome to the forums and WB  :-D
I hope you succeed with the template.

I have been successful with all my changes except one.
I cannot change the (currently green) header image.
I have looked in layout_setup.css, and chenged the following from:

.header-middle {width:900px; height:150px; background:rgb(230,230,230) url(./img/bg_head_middle.jpg); overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}

.header-middle {width:900px; height:150px; background:rgb(230,230,230) url(/wb/media/Karaka.png); overflow:visible !important /*Firefox*/; overflow:hidden /*IE6*/;}

The green header image disappears, but the new header is not there.  The page header area collapses, as if there were no header image.

Is it because the image needs to be in the template image directory?  If so, I'm not sure how to easily get it there and keep the permissions correct.
Is there a problem with it being a PNG file?  I can view the PNG file in my browser at the address with no problem.

I'm sure I could edit the index.php and do it that way, but I would rather stick to using the template 'as is' without engineering any major changes.

P.S. to new users.  You need to add the "Template Edit" add-on to edit stuff other than the center content (e.g. to edit the template).


the path to your image isn't correct. I bet there is no folder "/wb/media/" in your templates directory as you say in you CSS statement.
You have to define the path from the point of view where your css-file resists.
If your css-file is in e.g. /templates/multiflex so the call for a pic in /media could be:

Regards Bernd


--- Quote from: BerndJM on July 26, 2008, 06:25:38 AM ---You have to define the path from the point of view where your css-file resists.
If your css-file is in e.g. /templates/multiflex so the call for a pic in /media could be:
--- End quote ---

A fixed, static path, like (htttp:// would also work.

But you really should keep all template files in the template folder. So put the header pic in the template folder (or a sub folder), instead of the media folder. So in your case I'd recommend (./img/Karaka.png)

Besides: be aware of using png files. IE6 doesnt support png transparancy without additional hacks. So if you use png and transparancy is important, please check in IE6 as well, because it is still being used a lot. If transparancy is not important, you'd better use jpg. Of course gif is an option too, if the picture has max 256 colors.


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