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Basic Template Site

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After going wacky creating parts of several different designs for the site, from cartoony to artsy, I finally found words of wisdom on another free CMS site. On the Guppy CMS site I saw a post by the creator that wondered about people who spent thier time endlessly modifying the CMS and asking for features and never got their site done -ironic since many users turn to a CMS to make things easier. I finally decided I was either going to have to use the basic tools that came with my webserver to manage straight HTML pages or I was going to start off with a simple mod of a WB supplied template; I opted to go with a simple cut up of the Round template and am glad I did. I'll revisit the design later but for now I am starting by organizing the structure for the content I want to add.

Yes, good thinking... guess I'm still in the "search for the holy grail" stage.

I didn't even go that far. I have my root site and two subdomains set up with the "Simple" template. So far, the visitors that have contacted me say they like simple versus busy. Some have offered to make a banner or two, but I declined. I like the simple template as-is.

I love the design on your site, bupaje! Great work! 8)

Thanks! The round template is a great starting point. :)


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