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Cadet website

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first... good job, even if someone does not like military stuffĂ‚  :mrgreen:

if you look at your site with safari (there are some mac users out there) and firefox , the content slides under the navigation part :-(


--- Quote from: burki on September 04, 2005, 08:43:08 PM ---first... good job, even if someone does not like military stuffĂ‚  :mrgreen:

if you look at your site with safari (there are some mac users out there) and firefox , the content slides under the navigation part :-(

--- End quote ---

that's on the About Us page in Safari. It looks the same in Firefox on both Mac and Windows.

This cross browser, cross platform stuff is a b****.

Wow Nice template. Is that based from an existing template or is it built from scratch??


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