WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Template - All CSS 2
Hi everybody
hope this topic is still "alive" (as last posting is dd April 2007) :-D
my question: is it possible (and if yes, how) to change from a 1. level horizontal menu ot a vertical one (eg. at the left side)? ... what changes would this implicate for the submenues?
tks for reply
yes this is possible by changing the CSS definitions of your template. Please have a look to the Listtutorial from Maxdesign which explain step by step how to achieve whatever menu you want by simple CSS.
Regards Christian
wether a menu is horizontal or vertical is only done by css. So you need to edit the index.php and the css file of this template.
Help about HTML and CSS you will find on the bookmarks page on our help page. There exists a lot of good HTML and CSS Tutorials in the web. As this is a only html and css question this forum here is the wrong place to ask. I hope you understand, that we only can give here support for WB spezial questions.
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