WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Template - All CSS 2

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Another IE twitch I found:

If the LEFT column will cause a slight bump in the positioning of the text in the CONTENT area.

I noticed it with an UL list that passed the bottom edge of the news box.  After the box, the bullets slight left, JUST enough to be annoying.
Eh??? Checked the page source... no different code between those LI's. 
Then I realized that it was on a level with the bottom of the news box. Smoking CSS in IE gun.

Check that list on PIE again. I think it's something about margins or padding. Might be the floats.


think this is a well know IE Issue. If you have a containerbased template (div containers like AllCss use) IE cannot display tables with a width of 100%. Using this moves the content down under the menu (in AllCss template). To solve this simply set the width to 98%.


Yes, Matthias is correct. I usually have to change the width of tables on the settings pages for the news/form page since the width="100%" pushs the content around.

You could always add the following to your screen.css file:

--- Code: ---#content table {
 width: 90%;

--- End code ---

Oh yes.  I remember about that table issue now.  But, if that's it, it's not an obvious fix to me.

The table involved is the one automatically created in the current standard news module. For this template, and any others that operate in a similar manner, all the supplied table widths seem to be 98%, so it should be okay. Just in case, I dropped all 3 to 90%, no joy.

Hmm... The FOOTER settings show 98% too but the previous/next page links add up to 100%. I think that's 100% of the row size, which is 98% of the DIV... Yup, tried changing that, doesn't help.

The template's screen.css has content container tables set to 90% as well. 

--- Code: ---* html #contentContainer #content table {width: 90%;} /* ie6 fix to stop tables being pushed below floats */
--- End code ---

That's what you were talking about in the previous message, wasn't it Gav? I tried adding the exact code you put there, but it didn't make any difference.

The only change I made to any defaults was to include the news block.

--- Code: --- <?php display_news_items();  ?>
--- End code ---
I wasn't sure if I had to nest another DIV, so I tried it with & without. No difference.

Something else must complicating things!  I checked the HTML of the content again, pure & simple UL.


double check the divs in your template and the related css. Try learning about this from internet or books. Don't understand me wrong, but this forum her shoud be a forum for WB issues, your issues can be solved with standard html and css wich website developpers should be able to know what it is.  :wink:



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