WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Template - All CSS 2

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How can I add one more (4th level submenu) drop-down level into the horizontal menu. right now it supports 3 levels only.


--- Quote from: bgg on February 28, 2007, 06:27:58 AM ---How can I add one more (4th level submenu) drop-down level into the horizontal menu. right now it supports 3 levels only.

--- End quote ---

Try duplicating the CSS code in "screen.css" and add further styles for ul ul ul or whatever.

Give this a whirl and let me know if it works:

--- Code: ---/* Show and hide */
#nav .menu li:hover ul, #nav .menu li a:focus ul, #nav .menu li.subMenu ul {display: block;} /* show  2nd on hover */
#nav .menu li ul ul, #nav .menu li ul ul ul  { display: none;} /* hide  3rd  & 4th by default */

/* hide 3rd & 4th menus when hovering 1st/2nd  */
#nav .menu li:hover ul ul, /*3rd from 1st */
#nav .menu li:hover ul ul ul, /*4th from 1st */
#nav .menu li li:hover ul ul  /*4th from 2nd */ {display: none;}

/* show  2nd & 3rd & 4th on hovers */
#nav .menu li:hover ul, /* Show 2nd from 1st hover  */
#nav .menu li li:hover ul, /* Show 3rd from 2nd hover  */
#nav .menu li li li:hover ul /* Show 4th from 3rd hover  */ {display: block;}

/* 3rd Child Menu Appreances */
#nav .menu li ul li ul li a { width: 11.5em; padding: .6em .1em .6em .4em; background: #c6c6c6; color: #fff; }

/* 4th Child Menu Appreances */
#nav .menu li ul li ul li ul li a { width: 11.5em; padding: .6em .1em .6em .4em; background: #c3c3c3; color: #fff; }

--- End code ---

I've also added more comments so it's hopefully easier to track :0)

additionally you need to set the "allowed page level" in the settings of our WB installation (I think ou need to sow the advanced option for that).



Due to the release date, this template has been entered into the template contest:,5594.0.html



wb t-shirts ?? sweet!


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