We are currently working on our servers, so there may be outages on the domains.Zurzeit wird an unseren Servern gearbeitet, deshalb kann es zu Ausfällen bei den Domains kommen.
- looks like you've removed even the classes, correct? so it will validate now and we can either use the content block's default <ul> style or add a news specific <div> to the template and add <ul> to the css then
- do you know off-hand if the result of having no news is completely empty? i.e. If I capture the module output to a string, there is a null string if there is no news. That's great if so, we can make appropriate alterations (either "nothing at the moment" or change the layout. (someone smart posted code for that recently, I forget what it was related to). If not, don't worry, it will be tested anyway I want to figure out how to get something the blog-style archive by date division going now...
<?phpecho '<div class="news">';display_news_items();echo '</div>';?>
ORDER BY posted_when
Optional parameters (default values stated as well):group_id... group from which you want to read news from (default:= 0 for all groups)max_news_items... max. number of news shown (default:= 10, values>10 will be lowerd to 10)max_news_length... max. length of the short news text shown (default:=150)header_text... heading text shown (default:="Latest news")readmore_text... text displayed for readmore link (default:=read more)no_news_text... text shown if no news available (default:="no news avaialbe yet...")
echo "<div id=\"mynews\">";display_news_items(1, 10, 50, 0);display_news_items(2, 10, 50, 0);display_news_items(4, 10, 50, 0);echo "</div>";