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Having been using PS for over 8 years. I'm in the know on that one, but thanks.  :wink:

I just don't have the time right now. Plus not every picture can be exactly the same format (GIF or JPG) or the same size. I'd rather the idea to choose those parameters.


--- Quote from: kickarse on June 14, 2006, 02:39:23 PM ---Thanks for the comments..

IE7.0 is BETA! They still haven't even come close to compliancy.

Get a browser that is actually being used normally, then we'll talk.

--- End quote ---

I would have given you a fix, but i guess you know it all.

I obviously don't know everything or else it would work in IE 7.0  :lol: ... BUT It's still in beta and isn't even web 2.0 certified yet.  :-P

But I still appreciate any help. :wink:


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