WebsiteBaker Support (2.13.x) > Modules

New photoalbum module

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only a question : is the foldergallery not a good solution for your project?

Yes, I could use the foldergallery, but I like simplicity. Foldergallery has a lot of settings that I don't need for my application. I wanted a simple gallery like Brax or Minigallery but with the ability to show the subfolders.
And it was a good reason to learn how to make a module for WebsiteBaker. With the comments of you all, I learnd more in 5 minutes than I do normaly in one month.
I also like the fact that I can add features to the module whenever I want. Now I find it a super handy feature that I can upload my pictures in fullsize. The photoalbum resizes the pictures for me.

Then welcome to the group of module authors and good luck with the implementation. We are happy to test the new Gallery.

Personally(!), although I welcome any effort to create new modules, don't think we need more galleries. MiniGal2 by Ruud beats them all. In versatility, features, styling options etc. Quite frankly, all the other galleries that are available aren't very good and not at all user-friendly (try to explain to a customer he needs to upload a bunch of images to a folder first before the gallery works - yes it's easy for us but not for USERS.)

I agree whit you MiniGal2 is one of the best and user friendly gallerie's for WebsiteBaker, but in my case I need a gallery that can work with subfolders. I have more than 1000 images, spread over 30 folders, thats to much to handle with MiniGal2.


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